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將自定義 function 應用於多個文件並在 R 中創建唯一的 csv output

[英]Applying a custom function to multiple files and creating unique csv output in R

我是 R 的初學者,一直在編譯代碼以創建自定義 function 以對我擁有的某些數據執行特定任務。 自定義 function 的結構可識別 csv 文件中缺失的數據,並使用平均值對其進行修補。 此后,我想按年和月匯總數據並將其導出為 csv 文件。 我有多個 csv 文件位於一個文件夾中,我想對每個文件執行此任務。 到目前為止,我能夠獲得執行手頭任務的代碼,但不知道如何為每個已處理的 csv 文件編寫一個唯一的 output 並將它們保存到新文件夾中。 我還想在處理后的 output 中保留原始文件名,但附加了“_processed”字樣。 此外,歡迎就如何改進此代碼提出任何建議。 提前致謝。

# Load all packages required by the script
library(tidyverse) # data science package
library(lubridate) # work with dates
library(dplyr)     # data manipulation (filter, summarize, mutate)
library(ggplot2)   # graphics
library(gridExtra) # tile several plots next to each other

# Set the working directory #

#create a function to summarize data by year and month
#patch missing values using the average

summarize_by_month = function(df){
# counting unique, missing and mean values in the ET column
df %>% summarise(n = n_distinct(ET),
                   na = sum(is.na(ET)),
                   med = mean(ET, na.rm = TRUE))
# assign mean values to the missing data and modify the dataframe
df = df %>%
    mutate(ET = replace(ET,is.na(ET),mean(ET, na.rm = TRUE)))
#separate data into year, month and day  
df$date = as.Date(df$date,format="%Y/%m/%d")

#summarize by year and month 

df %>%
    mutate(year = format(date, "%Y"), month = format(date, "%m")) %>%
    group_by(year, month) %>%
    summarise(mean_monthly = mean(ET))


#import all files and execute custom function for each
file_list = list.files(pattern="AET", full.names=TRUE)

my_AET_files = lapply(file_list, read_csv)
monthly_AET = lapply(my_AET_files, summarize_by_month)


path<-"your_peferred_path/" #set a path to were you want to save the files

x<-list.files(pattern= "your_pattern") # create a list of your file names

name<-str_sub(x, start=xL, end=yL) #x & y being the part of the name you want to keep 

for (i in 1:length(monthly_AET)){
  write_excel_csv(monthly_AET[i], paste0(path, name, "_processed.csv")) # paste0 allows to create custom names from variables and static strings


您可以在同一個 function 中讀取、操作數據和寫入 csv:


summarize_by_month = function(file) {
  df <- readr::read_csv(file)

  # assign mean values to the missing data and modify the dataframe
  df = df %>% mutate(ET = replace(ET,is.na(ET),mean(ET, na.rm = TRUE)))

  #separate data into year, month and day  
  df$date = as.Date(df$date,format="%Y/%m/%d")

  #summarize by year and month 
  new_df <- df %>%
    mutate(year = format(date, "%Y"), month = format(date, "%m")) %>%
    group_by(year, month) %>%
    summarise(mean_monthly = mean(ET))
     write.csv(new_df, sprintf('output_folder/%s_processed.csv', 
           tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(file))), row.names = FALSE)

monthly_AET = lapply(file_list, summarize_by_month)


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