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如何在 Unity 中向腳本化變換動畫添加緩動?

[英]How do I add easing to a scripted transform animation in Unity?

我現在有一個設置,我有一個 3D 對象,在對象內部有一個空對象作為父對象。 當您按下一個按鈕時,相機跟隨的空物體會旋轉 90 度。 如果您按下另一個按鈕,它會將另一個方向旋轉 90 度。 結果是相機可以在物體完全旋轉之前圍繞物體旋轉 4 次。

目前它運行良好,但我試圖弄清楚如何為動畫添加一些緩動,使其看起來不那么粗糙。 我對在動畫中使用曲線有一點了解,但我不確定如何將其應用於代碼(或者它是否是最好的做事方式)

    public InputMaster controls;
    private bool isSpinning;
    private float rotationSpeed = 0.3f;

    IEnumerator RotateMe(Vector3 byangles, float intime)
        var fromangle = transform.rotation;
        var toangle = Quaternion.Euler(transform.eulerAngles + byangles);
        for (var t = 0f; t < 1; t += Time.deltaTime / intime)
            transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(fromangle, toangle, t);
            yield return null;
            transform.rotation = toangle;

            Debug.Log("finished rotation");
            isSpinning = false;
            Debug.Log("isSpinning now false");

上面的代碼是我創建一個協程的地方,它說明了它將如何轉換。 在這里讓我有點困惑的一件事是,如果我沒有說transform.rotation = toangle; ,旋轉出現在 89.5 度左右,如果你多次這樣做,它會偏離幾度。 不知道為什么會這樣。

    void Rotation(float amount)
        Debug.Log("rotation number is " + amount);

        float holdingRotate = controls.Player.Camera.ReadValue<float>();

        if (holdingRotate == 1 && isSpinning == false)
            isSpinning = true;
            Debug.Log("isSpinning now true");
            StartCoroutine(RotateMe(Vector3.up * 90, rotationSpeed));

        else if (holdingRotate == -1 && isSpinning == false)
            isSpinning = true;
            Debug.Log("isSpinning now true");
            StartCoroutine(RotateMe(Vector3.up * -90, rotationSpeed));

這部分是調用動畫的地方。 非常感謝任何幫助。

看看@immersive 所說的動畫曲線


public AnimationCurve curve;



另一種方法是使用 AssetStore/Package Manager 中的預制庫,如 DOTween 或 LeanTween 來命名一些。

for (var t = 0f; t < 1; t += Time.deltaTime / intime)
    transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(fromangle, toangle, t);
    yield return null;
transform.rotation = toangle;

因為t不會等於 1。



public class SmoothRotator : MonoBehaviour

    // Animation curve holds the 'lerp factor' from starting angle to final angle over time
    // (Y axis is blend factor, X axis is normalized 'time' factor)
    public AnimationCurve Ease = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0, 0, 1, 1);
    public float Duration = 1f;

    private IEnumerator ActiveCoroutine = null;

    public void RotateToward(Quaternion targetAngle) {

        // If there's a Coroutine to stop, stop it.
        if (ActiveCoroutine != null)

        // Start new Coroutine and cache the IEnumerator in case we need to interrupt it.
        StartCoroutine(ActiveCoroutine = Rotator(targetAngle));

    public IEnumerator Rotator(Quaternion targetAngle) {

        // Store starting angle
        var fromAngle = transform.rotation;

        // Accumulator for Time.deltaTime
        var age = 0f; 

        while (age < 1f) {
            // normalize time (scale to "percentage complete") and clamp it
            var normalisedTime = Mathf.Clamp01(age / Duration);

            // Pull lerp factor from AnimationCurve
            var lerpFactor = Ease.Evaluate(normalisedTime);

            // Set rotation
            transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(fromAngle, targetAngle, lerpFactor);

            // Wait for next frame
            yield return null;
            // Update age with new frame's deltaTime
            age += Time.deltaTime;

        // Animation complete, force true value
        transform.rotation = targetAngle;

        // Housekeeping, clear ActiveCoroutine
        ActiveCoroutine = null;



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