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[英]Count number of occurrences of list of tuples

我需要編寫一個帶有 3 個參數的函數: datayear_startyear_end

data是元組列表。 year_startyear_end是用戶的輸入。

該函數需要計算data中出現的次數,其中日期范圍內的任何年份都在位置 [0]( data中的位置 [0] 是年份)。

我需要為該范圍內的每一年以[(year, value), (year, value)]格式為earthquake_count_by_year = [] total_damage_by_year = []total_damage_by_year = []生成元組列表。


def summary_statistics(data, year_start, year_end):
    earthquake_count_by_year = []
    total_damages_by_year = []
    casualties_by_year = []
    count = 0
    years = []
    year_start = int(year_start)
    year_end = int(year_end)
    if year_end >= year_start:
        # store range of years into list
        years = list(range(year_start, year_end+1))
        for index, tuple in enumerate(data):
            if tuple[0] in years:
                count[tuple[0]] += 1

以上只是我嘗試計算每年輸入中出現的次數。 我覺得如果我能得到這么多,我就能弄清楚剩下的。


[(2020, 1, 6.0, 'CHINA:  XINJIANG PROVINCE', 39.831, 77.106, 1, 0, 2, 0), (2020, 1, 6.7, 'TURKEY:  ELAZIG AND MALATYA PROVINCES', 38.39, 39.081, 41, 0, 1600, 0), (2018, 1, 7.7, 'CUBA: GRANMA;  CAYMAN IS;  JAMAICA', 19.44, -78.755, 0, 0, 0, 0), (2019, 2, 6.0, 'TURKEY: VAN;  IRAN', 38.482, 44.367, 10, 0, 60, 0), (2018, 3, 5.4, 'BALKANS NW:  CROATIA:  ZAGREB', 45.897, 15.966, 1, 0, 27, 6000.0), (2020, 3, 5.7, 'USA: UTAH', 40.751, -112.078, 0, 0, 0, 48.5), (2020, 3, 7.5, 'RUSSIA:  KURIL ISLANDS', 48.986, 157.693, 0, 0, 0, 0)]

list_of_earthquake_count_by_year(data, 2018, 2020) 的預期輸出:

[(2020, 3), (2019, 0), (2018, 2)]

最終,我需要的其余部分是:causeties_by_year(data, 2018, 2020):

(year, (total_deaths, total_missing, total_injured))


L = [[earthquake_count_by_year], [casualties_by_year]]
return L


for item in data:
    if year_start <= item[0] <= year_end:
        # this year is in the range

count = 0count初始化為整數,但在行count[tuple[0]] += 1 ,您似乎將其視為字典,這是問題的根源。 您應該像這樣將變量count初始化為字典:

count = {}


if tuple[0] in years:
    # If the key does not exist in the dictionary, create one
    if tuple[0] not in count:
        count[tuple[0]] = 0

    count[tuple[0]] += 1


    2020: 3,
    2018: 2,
    2019: 0


list_of_tuples = list(count.items())    # Returns list of tuples
return list_of_tuples


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