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Too Many Indices 錯誤,使用循環神經網絡進行自然語言生成

[英]Too Many Indices error, using recurrent neural network for natural language generation

我正在根據本文中的代碼開發一個項目: https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2020/08/build-a-natural-language-generation-nlg-system-using-pytorch/

嘗試訓練 model 時出現錯誤,如圖所示:

# train the model
train(net, batch_size = 32, epochs=1, print_every=256)
IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-68-7c9ee6264cba> in <module>
      1 # train the model
----> 2 train(net, batch_size = 32, epochs=1, print_every=256)

<ipython-input-66-6d3226f72734> in train(net, epochs, batch_size, lr, clip, print_every)
     18         # x_int, y_int, list of numbers that each represent a vocab word
---> 19         for x, y in get_batches(x_int, y_int, batch_size):
     20             counter+= 1

<ipython-input-63-4e36dace452e> in get_batches(arr_x, arr_y, batch_size)
      7     for n in range(batch_size, arr_x.shape[0], batch_size):
      8      #taking row from prv to n and all columns
----> 9       x = arr_x[prv:n,:]
     10       y = arr_y[prv:n,:]
     11       prv = n

IndexError: too many indices for array

然后又指出了在這部分代碼的第 9 行 (x = arr_x[prv:n,:]) 上設置 arrays 的問題:

def get_batches(arr_x, arr_y, batch_size):
    # iterate through the arrays
    prv = 0
    #Range returns a sequence of numbers
    #yield returns a batch each loop (using yield keeps local variables)
    for n in range(batch_size, arr_x.shape[0], batch_size):
     #taking row from prv to n and all columns
      x = arr_x[prv:n,:]
      y = arr_y[prv:n,:]
      prv = n
      yield x, y


看起來 arr_x 是一維數組。 但是您正試圖像二維一樣解決它


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