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[英]PyVista, How to save the whole render result

使用 PyVista 時,我們可以使用mesh.save()pyvista.save_meshio()來保存網格,但不能保存整個渲染結果。 以下面的代碼為例,如何保存渲染結果,而不是只保存一個網格?

from math import sin, cos, radians
import pyvista as pv

# Create source to ray trace
sphere = pv.Sphere(radius=0.85)

# Define a list of origin points and a list of direction vectors for each ray
vectors = [ [cos(radians(x)), sin(radians(x)), 0] for x in range(0, 360, 5)]
origins = [[0, 0, 0]] * len(vectors)

# Perform ray trace
points, ind_ray, ind_tri = sphere.multi_ray_trace(origins, vectors)

# Create geometry to represent ray trace
rays = [pv.Line(o, v) for o, v in zip(origins, vectors)]
intersections = pv.PolyData(points)

# Render the result
p = pv.Plotter()
p.add_mesh(sphere, show_edges=True, opacity=0.5, color="w", lighting=False, label="Test Mesh")
p.add_mesh(rays[0], color="blue", line_width=5, label="Ray Segments")
for ray in rays[1:]:
    p.add_mesh(ray, color="blue", line_width=5)
p.add_mesh(intersections, color="maroon", point_size=25, label="Intersection Points")


Join one or many other grids to this grid.

Grid is updated in-place by default.

Can be used to merge points of adjacent cells when no grids are input.


        grid (vtk.UnstructuredGrid or list of vtk.UnstructuredGrids) – Grids to merge to this grid.


mesh = py.PolyData()
obj = mesh.merge(grid_list)


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