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該腳本不繼承可以管理腳本統一性的本機 class

[英]the script don't inherit a native class that can manage a script unity

我是 c# 和 Unity 的初學者程序員。 所以我正在為我的游戲制作一個網格系統,當我嘗試將我的統一項目中的每個腳本添加為組件時,它會打印一個錯誤:“腳本不繼承可以管理腳本的本機 class”我不知道我需要做什么。如果可以請幫助我


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Gird1 : MonoBehaviour
    private int width;
    private int height;
    private int[,] gridArray;

    public Gird(int width, int height)
        this.width = width;
        this.height = height;
        gridArray = new int[width, height];
        Debug.Log(width + " " + height);


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Testing : MonoBehaviour

   private void Start()
       Grid grid = new Grid(20, 10);

   void Update()





public class Testing : MonoBehaviour
   public Gird1 gird1; // Assign in the inspector. We need an instance of Gird1

   private void Start()
       if (gird1 == null) { // In case someone forgot to assign in the inspector
           gird1 = (Gird1)FindObjectOfType(typeof(Gird1)); // .. We'll search the scene
       gird1.Gird(20,10); // Call the Gird() function on your gird1 instance


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