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C# - 將數據保存和加載到文件

[英]C# - Saving and Loading data to file

我決定開始編碼並正在學習 c#,在做了幾個小項目之后,我決定稍微加強一下,制作一個帶有保存和加載功能的文字冒險游戲,如果我覺得很滑稽,我會嘗試添加一些多人游戲。 雖然我並沒有因此而真正遇到障礙,但我不禁覺得我的負載 function 真的是次優的。 保存還不錯,感覺對我有用,但是感覺負載真的可以簡化,就是不知道用什么。

我也不會真的介意,但是通過這種方式,如果我添加其他屬性/技能或任何其他需要保存的內容,我將不得不將所有內容添加到負載 function 中,並且會更長。

我試圖在這里搜索 c# 文檔和其他站點,但找不到適用於這種情況的解決方案。 任何人都可以幫我找到更好的方法嗎? 或者這是我能做的最好的,因為它是不同的數據類型?


        static void LoadGame(CharData PlayerData)
        Console.WriteLine("Enter the name of the character to load as shown below.");
        //getting current directory info, setting to di
        DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());
        //need to initialize these outside of a loop
        int SaveFiles = 0;
        string DisplayName = " ";
        int DisplayNameLength = 0;
        //looks through files in working directory ending in '.fasv', displays them in format '{x}. John Smith'
        foreach (var fi in di.GetFiles("*.fasv"))
            DisplayNameLength = fi.Name.Length;
            //remove .fasv from displayed name to make it look nicer
            DisplayName = fi.Name.Remove(DisplayNameLength - 5, 5);
            Console.WriteLine(SaveFiles.ToString() + ". " + DisplayName);
        string toLoad = Console.ReadLine();
        using StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(toLoad + ".fasv");
        //the name is easy to get since it's a string. but integers...
        PlayerData.Name = sr.ReadLine();
        //... not so much. i hate all of this and i feel like it's gross, but i don't know how else to do it
        int hp, xp, level, toughness, innovation, mind, empathy, spryness;
        Int32.TryParse(sr.ReadLine(), out hp);
        Int32.TryParse(sr.ReadLine(), out xp);
        Int32.TryParse(sr.ReadLine(), out level);
        Int32.TryParse(sr.ReadLine(), out toughness);
        Int32.TryParse(sr.ReadLine(), out innovation);
        Int32.TryParse(sr.ReadLine(), out mind);
        Int32.TryParse(sr.ReadLine(), out empathy);
        Int32.TryParse(sr.ReadLine(), out spryness);
        PlayerData.Health = hp;
        PlayerData.Level = level;
        PlayerData.XP = xp;
        PlayerData.Toughness = toughness;
        PlayerData.Innovation = innovation;
        PlayerData.Mind = mind;
        PlayerData.Empathy = empathy;
        PlayerData.Spryness = spryness;

    static void SaveGame(CharData PlayerData)
        using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(PlayerData.Name + ".fasv"))
            foreach (System.Reflection.PropertyInfo stat in PlayerData.GetType().GetProperties())
                //write player data properties to file line by line, using stat to iterate through the player data properties

如果您沒有為文件數據設置特定的數據格式,我建議使用 JSON.NET 之類的序列化程序。 您可以使用 NuGet 將 newtonsoft.json 添加到您的項目中,這樣您就可以執行以下操作:

using (StreamWriter file = File.CreateText(pathToPlayerFile))
  var serializer = new JsonSerializer();
  serializer.Serialize(file, playerData);


using (var file = File.OpenText(pathToPlayerFile))
  var serializer = new JsonSerializer();
  return (CharData)serializer.Deserialize(file, typeof(CharData));

我從 newtonsoft.com 借用了這些代碼片段。 CreateText將創建(或覆蓋)文件並將 object 寫入 JSON object。


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