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我的簡單強化學習 model 不學習。 我不知道為什么

[英]My the simple reinforcement learning model doesn't learn. I don't know why

我是 tensorflow 和強化學習編程的初學者。 我用強化學習算法制作了簡單的程序。 更准確地說,我已經從 Sudharsan Ravichandiran 的“Hands-On-Reinforcement-Learning-With-Python”一書中重新編寫了示例程序。

我舉了下一個例子: https://github.com/sudharsan13296/Hands-On-Reinforcement-Learning-With-Python/blob/master/08.%20Atari%20Games%20with%20DQN/8.8%20Building%20an% 20Agent%20to%20Play%20Atari%20Games.ipynb

這個例子是使用 Deep Q 網絡構建一個代理來玩 Atari 游戲吃豆人。 在我的程序中,我保留了 DQN 算法並更改了 model 和 state 向量。 現在代理是二維平面上的汽車。 它在 position x=1000, y=1000 開始運動。 根據我的想法,汽車必須以坐標 x=0,y=0 行駛到 position。 我將獎勵設置為 function f=1/(x1^2+y1^2) - 1/(x0^2+y0^2),其中 (x0,y0) 是前車的 position 和 (x1,y1) – 汽車的下一個 position。 因此,如果汽車行駛到 position (0,0),獎勵就會增加。

state 向量只有 4 維:[ x,y,sin(fi),cos(fi) ],其中 x,y 是汽車的兩個坐標,fi 是汽車在二維平面中的角度。 車有動作。 它可以右轉或左轉或向同一方向移動。

如您所見,這是非常簡單的 model。 但是 DQN 算法不會學習。 它找不到好的政策,汽車沒有行駛到 position (0,0)。

我想請強化學習專家在 python 中運行我的簡單程序,並找出這個非常簡單的程序中的問題。

    import math
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    import tensorflow as tf2
    import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf
    from tensorflow.compat.v1.layers import dense
    from collections import deque, Counter

    fi = np.float(0)
    xx = np.float(0)
    yy = np.float(0)
    V = np.float(1)
    MaxAbsAction = 0.1;

    N = 1000;
    x_Data = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float)
    y_Data = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float)
    i_D = int(0)

    def ModelReset():
        global fi, xx, yy, x_Data, y_Data, i_D    

        fi = np.float(0)
        xx = np.float(1000)
        yy = np.float(1000)
        i_D = int(0);
        x_Data[i_D] = xx
        y_Data[i_D] = yy

        obs = np.array([xx,yy,math.cos(fi),math.sin(fi)],dtype=np.float)    
        return obs 

    def ModelStep(action):
        global fi, xx, yy, x_Data, y_Data
        global MaxAbsAction, i_D, V, N

        PreviousDistance = math.sqrt( xx*xx + yy*yy )

        if action > MaxAbsAction:
           action = MaxAbsAction

        if action < -MaxAbsAction:
           action = -MaxAbsAction

        fi += action
        xx += V * math.cos(fi)
        yy += V * math.sin(fi)
        i_D += 1
        x_Data[i_D] = xx
        y_Data[i_D] = yy

        NextDistance = math.sqrt( xx*xx + yy*yy )    
        reward = (1/NextDistance - 1/PreviousDistance)
        next_obs = np.array([xx,yy,math.cos(fi),math.sin(fi)],dtype=np.float)        
        done = i_D>=N-1 or NextDistance < 20
        return next_obs, reward, done 

    n_outputs = 3

    def n_to_float_action(n):
        global MaxAbsAction
        return -MaxAbsAction + 2*MaxAbsAction/(n_outputs-1)*n

    def Q_Network(X, name_scope) :

        initializer = tf.keras.initializers.VarianceScaling()    

        with tf.variable_scope(name_scope) as scope:
            fc1 = dense(X, 100, kernel_initializer=initializer, 

            fc2 = dense(fc1, 100, kernel_initializer=initializer, 

            output = dense( fc2, n_outputs, 
                       kernel_initializer=initializer )

            Q_vars = {v.name[len(scope.name):]: v for v in 
           return Q_vars, output   

    epsilon = 0.1
    eps_min = 0.01
    eps_max = 1
    eps_decay_steps = 5000000 

    def epsilon_greedy(action,step):
        p = np.random.random(1).squeeze()
        epsilon = max(eps_min, eps_max-(eps_max-eps_min)*step/eps_decay_steps)
        if np.random.rand(1) < epsilon:
            return np.random.randint(n_outputs), epsilon
            return action, epsilon    
    def sample_memories(batch_size):
        if exp_buffer_full:
            size_buff = exp_buffer_length
            size_buff = exp_buffer_pos
        perm_batch = np.random.permutation(size_buff)[:batch_size]
        mem = exp_buffer[perm_batch]
        return mem[:,0],mem[:,1],mem[:,2],mem[:,3],mem[:,4]    

    num_episodes = 100000
    batch_size = 200
    learning_rate = 0.001
    X_shape = (None,4)
    discount_factor = 0.97

    global_step = 0
    copy_steps = 10000
    steps_train = 40
    start_steps = 2000
    logdir = 'logs'

    exp_buffer_length = 1000000
    exp_buffer_pos = 0;
    exp_buffer_full = False
    exp_buffer = np.zeros(shape=(exp_buffer_length,5), dtype=object)


    X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=X_shape,name='X')
    in_training_mode = tf.placeholder(tf.bool,name='in_training_mode')

    mainQ, mainQ_outputs = Q_Network(X,'maimQ')
    targetQ, targetQ_outputs = Q_Network(X,'targetQ')

    X_action = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(None,),name='X_action')
    Q_action = tf.reduce_sum(
        targetQ_outputs * tf.one_hot(X_action, n_outputs),
        axis=-1, keep_dims=True )

    copy_op = [tf.assign(main_name,targetQ[var_name]) 
               for var_name, main_name in mainQ.items() ] 
    copy_target_to_main = tf.group(*copy_op)

    y = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, shape=(None,1), name='y' )
    loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.square(y-Q_action) )

    optimazer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate)
    training_op = optimazer.minimize(loss) 

    loss_summary = tf.summary.scalar('LOSS',loss)
    merge_summary = tf.summary.merge_all()
    file_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(logdir,tf.get_default_graph())

    train_loss = None

    init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
    with tf.Session() as sess:

        for i in range(num_episodes):
            done = False
            obs = ModelReset()
            epoch = 0
            episodic_reward = 0
            action_counter = Counter()
            episodic_loss = []
            while not done:
                actions = mainQ_outputs.eval (
                    feed_dict={X:[obs], in_training_mode:False}) 
                action = np.argmax(actions,axis=-1)
                action_counter[str(action)] += 1

                action, epsilonn = epsilon_greedy(action, global_step)
                next_obs, reward, done = ModelStep(n_to_float_action(action))      
                exp_buffer[exp_buffer_pos,:] = np.array([obs, action, next_obs, reward, done],dtype=object)
                exp_buffer_pos += 1
                if exp_buffer_pos >= exp_buffer_length:
                    exp_buffer_pos = 0
                    exp_buffer_full = True            
                if global_step % steps_train == 0 and global_step > start_steps:
                    o_obs, o_act, o_next_obs, o_rew, o_done = sample_memories(batch_size)
                    o_obs = [x for x in o_obs]
                    o_next_obs = [x for x in o_next_obs]
                    next_act = mainQ_outputs.eval( 
                    y_batch = o_rew + discount_factor * np.max(next_act,axis=-1) 
                    train_loss, _ = sess.run( [loss, training_op],
                                   in_training_mode:True } )

                if (global_step+1) % copy_steps == 0 and global_step > start_steps:
                obs = next_obs
                epoch += 1
                global_step += 1
                episodic_reward += reward
            print('Episode', i, 'Reward', episodic_reward, 'epsilon', epsilonn,
                  'loss', train_loss )        
            if (i+1) % 100 == 0:            

我在我的簡單程序中發現了問題。 我必須規范化 state 向量和獎勵。 所以這些值必須在區間 [-1, 1] 內。 但我沒有這樣做。 當我這樣做時,我的簡單程序開始運行良好。


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