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如何使用 SQLite 按日期查找層次結構中的級別

[英]How to find levels in a hierarchy by dates using SQLite


如何使用帶有遞歸表達式的 SQLite 按日期為層次結構中的每個人查找級別。


我發現以下 帖子詳細介紹了使用遞歸查詢對 SQLite 中的分層數據進行計算,以及StackOverflow 上的一篇文章,用於 SQLite3 上的基本遞歸查詢。

現在,在 SQLite 的文檔中有一個很好的詳細示例,關於如何從單個員工的角度處理分層數據的計算(第 3.2 部分的示例)。



這是我為 1 個人完成這項工作的部分查詢:

WITH RECURSIVE supervisor_of(id, boss_id, date_interest) AS (
        SELECT org_1.id, org_1.boss_id, org_1.date_interest
        FROM org org_1
        WHERE id = 4 -- Here is the input for the individual
        SELECT org_1.id, org_1.boss_id, org_1.date_interest
        FROM org org_1
        JOIN supervisor_of so
            ON so.boss_id = org_1.id
            AND so.date_interest = org_1.date_interest
    COUNT(id) AS level
FROM supervisor_of
GROUP BY date_interest
ORDER BY date_interest

和 output:

| id   | boss_id | date_interest | level |
| ---- | ------- | ------------- | ----- |
| 4    | 2       | 2             | 3     |
| 4    | 2       | 3             | 3     |


| id   | boss_id | date_interest | level |
| ---- | ------- | ------------- | ----- |
| 1    |         | 1             | 1     |
| 2    | 1       | 1             | 2     |
| 3    | 1       | 1             | 2     |
| 1    |         | 2             | 1     |
| 2    | 1       | 2             | 2     |
| 3    | 1       | 2             | 2     |
| 4    | 2       | 2             | 3     |
| 1    |         | 3             | 1     |
| 2    | 1       | 3             | 2     |
| 3    | 1       | 3             | 2     |
| 4    | 2       | 3             | 3     |
| 5    | 4       | 3             | 4     |


  id TEXT,
  boss_id TEXT,
  date_interest TEXT
-- 1st Date
INSERT INTO org (id, boss_id, date_interest) VALUES(1, NULL, 1);
INSERT INTO org (id, boss_id, date_interest) VALUES(2, 1, 1);
INSERT INTO org (id, boss_id, date_interest) VALUES(3, 1, 1);
-- 2nd Date
INSERT INTO org (id, boss_id, date_interest) VALUES(1, NULL, 2);
INSERT INTO org (id, boss_id, date_interest) VALUES(2, 1, 2);
INSERT INTO org (id, boss_id, date_interest) VALUES(3, 1, 2);
INSERT INTO org (id, boss_id, date_interest) VALUES(4, 2, 2);
-- 3rd Date
INSERT INTO org (id, boss_id, date_interest) VALUES(1, NULL, 3);
INSERT INTO org (id, boss_id, date_interest) VALUES(2, 1, 3);
INSERT INTO org (id, boss_id, date_interest) VALUES(3, 1, 3);
INSERT INTO org (id, boss_id, date_interest) VALUES(4, 2, 3);
INSERT INTO org (id, boss_id, date_interest) VALUES(5, 4, 3);

從代碼中刪除WHERE子句,以便查詢所有id以及遞歸CTE select supervisor_of.id而不是org_1.id的第二部分。

WITH RECURSIVE supervisor_of(id, boss_id, date_interest) AS (
  SELECT org_1.id, org_1.boss_id, org_1.date_interest
  FROM org org_1
  SELECT so.id, org_1.boss_id, org_1.date_interest
  FROM org org_1 JOIN supervisor_of so
  ON so.boss_id = org_1.id AND so.date_interest = org_1.date_interest
SELECT *, COUNT(*) AS level
FROM supervisor_of
GROUP BY date_interest, id
ORDER BY date_interest, id


ID boss_id 日期興趣 等級
1 null 1 1
2 1 1 2
3 1 1 2
1 null 2 1
2 1 2 2
3 1 2 2
4 2 2 3
1 null 3 1
2 1 3 2
3 1 3 2
4 2 3 3
5 4 3 4


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