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我想創建一組場景索引並在需要時使用它。 問題是我不知道如何創建數組本身

[英]I want to create an array of scene indexes and use it, when i need. The problem is that i don't know how to create the array itself


    public int[] sceneIndex;
    public Text[] texts;
    IEnumerator ChoosingModes()
        string[] modes = new string[] { "Cocks", "Tanks", "Cars" };
        sceneIndex = new int[] { };
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            int x = Random.Range(0, modes.Length);
            texts[i].text = modes[x];
            sceneIndex[i] = x + 3;
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.75f);


當你做sceneIndex = new int[] { }; ,您將sceneIndex的長度鎖定為 0。相反,請嘗試使用sceneIndex = new int[number or scenes]; (將sceneIndex的長度鎖定為您擁有的場景數)或什么都不做。 由於數組是公開的,您可以在檢查器中設置值,而不必在代碼中定義它。


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