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Python - Networkx:具有一定權重的鄰居節點圖

[英]Python - Networkx: Graph of Neighbor Nodes with certain weight

以下問題是使用 Python 3.9 和 Networkx 2.5

我需要 output G 的子圖,它只包含列表中節點之間的邊以及邊權重小於 100 的直接相鄰節點。目前我正在使用以下代碼,但只能拉邊權重。 我需要同時獲取節點名稱和邊權重。

list_neighbors=G.neighbors('Rochester, NY')
for i in list_neighbors:
    if G.edges[('Rochester, NY',i)]['weight']<100:
        print (G.edges[('Rochester, NY',i)])


如何讓 output 也包含節點名稱(輸入節點及其符合權重標准的鄰居)

我想讓 function 的輸入為('Rochester, NY', 'Seattle, WA')和 output 成為 100 英里內的每個相鄰城市。


import networkx as nx

# version 1 : outputs an iterator; more elegant, potentially more performant (unlikely in this case though)
def get_neighbors_below_threshold(graph, node, threshold=100, attribute='weight'):
    for neighbor in graph.neighors(node):
        if graph.edges[(node, neighbor)][attribute] < threshold:
            yield neighbor

# version 2 : outputs a list; maybe easier to understand
def get_neighbors_below_threshold(graph, node, threshold=100, attribute='weight'):
    output = []
    for neighbor in graph.neighors(node):
        if graph.edges[(node, neighbor)][attribute] < threshold:
    return output

n1 = get_neighbors_below_threshold(G, 'Rochester, NY')
n2 = get_neighbors_below_threshold(G, 'Seattle, WA')

combined_neighbors = set(n1) | set(n2)
common_neighbors = set(n1) & set(n2)


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