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[英]How to generate a random number based on the time of the day?

我在 Azure 物聯網集線器中模擬物聯網設備(噪聲傳感器),下面的代碼工作得很好。 但是我想模擬一些更接近現實的東西,我可以在不同的時間使用不同的分貝范圍。


if 00.00- 7.00AM - Randum number between (10-20)
if 7am-9AM - Random number  between (20-40)
if 11.30-1.30pm Random number between 60-80

我不想創建大量 IF、Elses,因為我想要更簡潔的代碼。



private static async Task SendDeviceToCloudMessagesAsync(CancellationToken ct)
    // Initial telemetry values
    int minNoise = 20;
    int maxNoise = 90;
    var rand = new Random();
    while (!ct.IsCancellationRequested)
        double noiseDecibels = rand.Next(minNoise, maxNoise);
        // Create JSON message
        string messageBody = JsonSerializer.Serialize(
                eui= "58A0CB0000101DB6",
                DecibelValue = noiseDecibels
        using var message = new Message(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(messageBody))
            ContentType = "application/json",
            ContentEncoding = "utf-8",
        // Add a custom application property to the message.
        // An IoT hub can filter on these properties without 
        // access to the message body.
        message.Properties.Add("noiseAlert", (noiseDecibels > 70) ? "true" : "false");
        // Send the telemetry message
        await s_deviceClient.SendEventAsync(message);
        Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now} > Sending message: {messageBody}");
        await Task.Delay(60000);


private Random randomGenerator = new Random();

function decibel(DateTime d) {
  int randMin = 0, randMax = 0; //the interval for the random value
  var t = d.TimeOfDay;

  if (t.TotalHours < 7)  //0:00 - 6:59:59 
    randMin = 10; randMax = 20;
  else if (d.TotalHours < 9)  //7:00 - 8:59:59 
    randMin = 20; randMax = 40;
  else if (d.TotalHours >= 11.5 && d.TotalHours < 13.5) //11:30 - 13:29:59
    randMin = 60; randMax = 80;

  // returns a rand with:  randMin <= rand < randMax
  return randomGenerator.Next(randMin, randMax);

我在數據結構模式中處理這個問題(就像你問的那樣),所以我會創建一個繼承自 Dictionary 的 RangeHourDictionary class。

Add方法將添加鍵表示開始時間和結束時間的范圍。 這些值將是一個大小為 2 的 int 數組,其中第一個值表示開始范圍,第二個值表示范圍的結束。

另一個 function 將是GetRandomRange ,它將獲取當前時間並返回值(再次表示隨機范圍的開始和結束)

public class RangeDictionary : Dictionary<Range, int[]>
   public void Add(TimeSpan from, TimeSpan to, int[] randomValues)
      Add(new Range(from, to), randomValues);

   public int[] GetRandomRange(TimeSpan now)
            return this.First(x => x.Key.From < now && x.Key.To > now).Value;
            return null;

public struct Range
     public Range(TimeSpan from, TimeSpan to) : this()
          From = from;
          To = to;
      public TimeSpan From { get; }
      public TimeSpan To { get; }


 var lookup = new RangeDictionary();
 lookup.Add(new TimeSpan(07, 0, 0), new TimeSpan(09, 0, 0), new int[2] { 10, 20 });
 lookup.Add(new TimeSpan(09, 30, 0), new TimeSpan(11, 0, 0), new int[2] { 40, 50 });
 lookup.Add(new TimeSpan(11, 0, 0), new TimeSpan(13, 0, 0), new int[2] { 60, 80 });

// call GetRandomRange

 var res = lookup.GetRandomRange(DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay);
 if (res != null){
    Random random = new Random();
    var randomValue = random.Next(res[0], res[1]);


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