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如何在 Elasticsearch 中獲取超過 10K 的日志/結果

[英]How to get more than 10K logs/results in Elasticsearch

如果使用最新版本的 Elasticsearch (7.13) 說我有超過 10K 的日志/結果,我該如何獲取所有日志? 我正在閱讀滾動搜索結果,但一開始它顯示:

我們不再推薦使用滾動 API 進行深度分頁。 如果您需要在分頁超過 10,000 個點擊時保留索引狀態,請使用帶有時間點 (PIT) 的 search_after 參數。

但是使用search_after 時,它表示您可以訪問超過 10,000 次點擊,但您需要使用時間點 api來獲取 PIT(時間點)ID,然后將該 ID 傳遞給 search_after 參數。 在 kibana CLI 中,如果您輸入 cmd POST /YOUR PATTERN INDEX NAME*/_pit?keep_alive=1m它將返回該 PIT ID。 但是您將如何在 NEST 中為 .net 客戶端執行該命令?

只會告訴您如果您已經擁有 PIT ID 該怎么辦,但沒有向您展示如何執行 post 命令來獲取 PIT ID? 有沒有辦法不用去 Kibana -> Discover -> CLI 並運行命令POST /customer-simulation-es-app-logs*/_pit?keep_alive=1m (customer-sim 是我的名字指數)

在實施 Rob 的示例之前,我有以下內容:

        public async Task<List<EsSource>> GetLogsByDate()
            string indexName = "customer-simulation-es-app-logs*";
            var connectionSettings = new ConnectionSettings(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));
            _elasticClient = new ElasticClient(connectionSettings);

            // this will return the number of results in the index based on the criteria below:
            var responseHits = _elasticClient.Count<EsSource>(c => c
                 .Query(q => q
                     .Bool(b => b
                               m => m
                               .Match(ma => ma
                                   .Field(fa => fa.level)
                               m => m
                               .Match(ma => ma
                                   .Field(fa => fa.level)
                         .Filter(f => f.DateRange(dr => dr

            var response = await _elasticClient.SearchAsync<EsSource>(s => s
                  .Size(3000) // must see about this
                  .Source(src => src.Includes(i => i
                                    .Fields(f => f.timestamp,
                                            f => f.level,
                                            f => f.messageTemplate,
                                            f => f.message)))
                  .Query(q => q
                      .Bool(b => b
                                m => m
                                .Match(ma => ma
                                    .Field(fa => fa.level)
                                m => m
                                .Match(ma => ma
                                    .Field(fa => fa.level)
                          .Filter(f => f.DateRange(dr => dr

            return response?.Documents.ToList();

public class EsSource
       [Date(Name = "@timestamp")]
        public DateTimeOffset timestamp { get; set; }
        public String level { get; set; }
        public String messageTemplate { get; set; }
        public String message { get; set; }


我試圖給 Rob 的示例實現一個嘗試,我所做的是以下。 但是,我的問題是,如果我沒有 EsDocuments 中的“ID”,我可以改用timestamp嗎? 需要foreach是因為這會將結果分組為 1000 對嗎? 我也可以按時間戳排序還是嚴格必須是結果 ID? 由於我沒有ID我想制作另一個使用 searchapi 的var searchResponse ,然后創建一個名為 EsID 的通用變量,這樣我就可以在命中中循環遍歷 searchResponse,例如foreach(var item in searchResponse.Hits(){ EsID = item.Id }然后將它用於具有批處理的foreach ( batches.Select(x => EsID) ) 並將其用於排序。但我覺得那將是重復的代碼......如果我是,請糾正我錯誤的?


private IElasticClient _elasticClient;

       public async Task<List<EsSource>> GetLogsByDate()
            string indexName = "customer-simulation-es-app-logs*";
            var connectionSettings = new ConnectionSettings(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));
            _elasticClient = new ElasticClient(connectionSettings);

             // this will return the number of results in the index based on the criteria's 
            var responseHits = _elasticClient.Count<EsSource>(c => c
                 .Query(q => q
                     .Bool(b => b
                               m => m
                               .Match(ma => ma
                                   .Field(fa => fa.level)
                               m => m
                               .Match(ma => ma
                                   .Field(fa => fa.level)
                         .Filter(f => f.DateRange(dr => dr


            foreach (var batches in Enumerable.Range(0, (int)responseHits).Batch(1000))
                var bulk = await _elasticClient.IndexManyAsync(batches.Select(x => new EsSource { /* can I use timestamp?? */}));

            await _elasticClient.Indices.RefreshAsync();

            var openPit = await _elasticClient.OpenPointInTimeAsync(indexName, d => d.KeepAlive("1m"));
            var pit = openPit.Id;

            var searchAfter = 0;

                while (true)
                    var response = await _elasticClient.SearchAsync<EsSource>(s => s
                          .TrackTotalHits(false) // disable the tracking of total hits to speed up pagination
                          // pass pit id & extend lifetime of it by another minute
                          .PointInTime(pit, d => d.KeepAlive("1m"))
                          .Source(src => src.Includes(i => i
                                              .Fields(f => f.timestamp,
                                                      f => f.level,
                                                      f => f.messageTemplate,
                                                      f => f.message)))
                          .Query(q => q
                              .Bool(b => b
                                          m => m
                                          .Match(ma => ma
                                              .Field(fa => fa.level)
                                          m => m
                                          .Match(ma => ma
                                              .Field(fa => fa.level)
                                  .Filter(f => f.DateRange(dr => dr
                          // can I assort with timestamp or does it have to be the result ID?
                          .Sort(srt => srt.Ascending(f => f.timestamp))

                    if (response.Documents.Count == 0)

                    //searchAfter = response.Documents.LastOrDefault()?.timestamp ?? x;
                // closing the pit
                var closePit = await _elasticClient.ClosePointInTimeAsync(d => d.Id(pit));

            return // response?.Documents.ToList();

    public class EsSource
        [Date(Name = "@timestamp")]
        public DateTimeOffset timestamp { get; set; }
        public String level { get; set; }
        public String messageTemplate { get; set; }
        public String message { get; set; }        


esQuery.PointInTime = new PointInTime(PointInTimeId,KeepAlive);

您對 ES 的第一個請求,您的PointInTimeId將為空,有關更多信息,請在此處查看 ES 官方文檔。

我准備了一個帶有注釋的示例應用程序,它演示了如何使用 PIT 從索引中檢索所有文檔並進行搜索。

class Program
    static async Task Main(string[] args)
        string indexName = "test";
        var connectionSettings = new ConnectionSettings(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));
        var elasticClient = new ElasticClient(connectionSettings);

        await elasticClient.Indices.DeleteAsync(indexName);
        var indexResponse = await elasticClient.Indices.CreateAsync(indexName);

        // index some test data
        // Batch coming from morelinq nuget
        Console.WriteLine($"Index some data into index");
        foreach (var batches in Enumerable.Range(0, 20000).Batch(1000))
            var bulk = await elasticClient.IndexManyAsync(batches.Select(x => new EsDocument {Id = x }));

        await elasticClient.Indices.RefreshAsync();

        var countResponse = await elasticClient.CountAsync<EsDocument>(d => d);
        Console.WriteLine($"Documents in index: {countResponse.Count}");

        Console.WriteLine($"Open new pit");
        var openPit = await elasticClient.OpenPointInTimeAsync(indexName, d => d.KeepAlive("1m"));
        var pit = openPit.Id;

        Console.WriteLine($"Read all docs from index ..");
        // we will start reading docs from the beginning
        var searchAfter = 0;
            while (true)
                var searchResponse = await elasticClient.SearchAsync<EsDocument>(s => s
                    // disable the tracking of total hits to speed up pagination.
                    // pass pit id and extend lifetime of it by another minute
                    .PointInTime(pit, d => d.KeepAlive("1m"))
                    .Query(q => q.MatchAll())
                    // sort by Id filed so we can pass last retrieved id to next search
                    .Sort(sort => sort.Ascending(f => f.Id))
                    // pass last id we received from prev. search request so we can keep retrieving more documents

                // if we didn't receive any docs just stop processing
                if (searchResponse.Documents.Count == 0)

                    $"Id [{searchResponse.Documents.FirstOrDefault()?.Id}..{searchResponse.Documents.LastOrDefault()?.Id}]");
                searchAfter = searchResponse.Documents.LastOrDefault()?.Id ?? 0;
            Console.WriteLine($"Close pit");
            var closePit = await elasticClient.ClosePointInTimeAsync(d => d.Id(pit));

    class EsDocument
        public int Id { get; set; }


Index some data into index
Documents in index: 20000
Open new pit
Read all docs from index ..
Id [1..1000]
Id [1001..2000]
Id [2001..3000]
Id [3001..4000]
Id [4001..5000]
Id [5001..6000]
Id [6001..7000]
Id [7001..8000]
Id [8001..9000]
Id [9001..10000]
Id [10001..11000]
Id [11001..12000]
Id [12001..13000]
Id [13001..14000]
Id [14001..15000]
Id [15001..16000]
Id [16001..17000]
Id [17001..18000]
Id [18001..19000]
Id [19001..19999]
Close pit


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