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[英]Map values in dataframe based on condition using a nested dictionary


dict_map = {
    'Anti' : {'Drug':('A','B','C')},
    'Undef': {'Drug':'D','Name':'Type X'},
    'Vit ' : {'Name': 'Vitamin C'},
    'Placebo Effect' : {'Name':'Placebo', 'Batch':'XYZ'},


df = pd.DataFrame(
        'ID': ['AB01', 'AB02', 'AB03', 'AB04', 'AB05','AB06'],
        'Drug': ["A","B","A",np.nan,"D","D"],
        'Name': ['Placebo', 'Vitamin C', np.nan, 'Placebo', '', 'Type X'],
        'Batch' : ['ABC',np.nan,np.nan,'XYZ',np.nan,np.nan],


cols_to_map = ["Drug", "Name", "Batch"]



請注意,“結果”列的前 3 行填充了“抗”,盡管有“維生素 C”,而“安慰劑”是列“名稱”,這是因為“抗”在字典中排在第一位。 我如何使用 python 實現這一點? dict_map 可以以任何方式重構以滿足這個結果。 我不是 python 專業人士,我真的很感激一些幫助。


from collections import defaultdict

d = defaultdict(dict)

for k, v in dict_map.items():
    for k1, v1 in v.items():
        if isinstance(v1, tuple):
            for x in v1:
                d[k1][x] = k
            d[k1][v1] = k

print (d)
defaultdict(<class 'dict'>, {'Drug': {'A': 'Anti', 'B': 'Anti', 
                                      'C': 'Anti', 'D': 'Undef'},
                             'Name': {'Type X': 'Undef', 'Vitamin C': 'Vit ',
                                      'Placebo': 'PPL'}})

df = pd.DataFrame(
            'ID': ['AB01', 'AB02', 'AB03', 'AB04', 'AB05','AB06'],
            'Drug': ["A","B","A",np.nan,
            'Name': ['Placebo', 'Vitamin C', np.nan, 'Placebo', '', 'Type X']


cols_to_map = ["Drug", "Name"]

df['Result'] = np.nan
for col in cols_to_map:
    df['Result'] = df['Result'].combine_first(df[col].map(d[col]))

print (df)
     ID Drug       Name Result
0  AB01    A    Placebo   Anti
1  AB02    B  Vitamin C   Anti
2  AB03    A        NaN   Anti
3  AB04  NaN    Placebo    PPL
4  AB05    D             Undef
5  AB06    D     Type X  Undef

cols_to_map = [ "Name","Drug"]

df['Result'] = np.nan
for col in cols_to_map:
    df['Result'] = df['Result'].combine_first(df[col].map(d[col]))

print (df)
     ID Drug       Name Result
0  AB01    A    Placebo    PPL
1  AB02    B  Vitamin C   Vit 
2  AB03    A        NaN   Anti
3  AB04  NaN    Placebo    PPL
4  AB05    D             Undef
5  AB06    D     Type X  Undef


df['Result1'] = df['Drug'].map(d['Drug'])
df['Result2'] = df['Name'].map(d['Name'])
print (df)
     ID Drug       Name Result1 Result2
0  AB01    A    Placebo    Anti     PPL
1  AB02    B  Vitamin C    Anti    Vit 
2  AB03    A        NaN    Anti     NaN
3  AB04  NaN    Placebo     NaN     PPL
4  AB05    D              Undef     NaN
5  AB06    D     Type X   Undef   Undef

由於 dict 和預期結果之間的關系非常復雜,我將使用一個函數來應用您的 DataFrame。 這使我們免於操作字典:

def get_result(row):
    result = np.nan
    for k,v in dict_map.items():
        if row['Name'] in v.values():
            result = k
        if row['Name'] and type(row['Drug']) == str and 'Drug' in v.keys() and row['Drug'] in v['Drug']:
            return k
    return result

df['Result'] = df.apply(lambda row: get_result(row), axis=1)


     ID Drug       Name Result
0  AB01    A    Placebo   Anti
1  AB02    B  Vitamin C   Anti
2  AB03    A        NaN   Anti
3  AB04  NaN    Placebo    PPL
4  AB05    D               NaN
5  AB06    D     Type X  Undef


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