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[英]How can I add a new column based on two dataframes and conditions

如何根據兩個數據框和條件添加新列? 例如,如果 df2['x'] 在 df1['x']±2.5 之間並且 df2['y'] 在 df1['y']±2.5 之間,則給 1 否則為 0。

import pandas as pd
data = {'x': [40.1, 50.1, 60.1, 70.1, 80.1, 90.1, 0, 300.1 ], 'y': [100.1, 110.1, 120.1, 130.1, 140.1, 150.1, 160.1, 400.1], 'year': [2000, 2000, 2001, 2001, 2003, 2003, 2003, 2004]}   
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

     x        y     year
0   40.1    100.1   2000
1   50.1    110.1   2000
2   60.1    120.1   2001
3   70.1    130.1   2001
4   80.1    140.1   2003
5   90.1    150.1   2003
6   0.0     160.1   2003
7   300.1   400.1   2004


data2 = {'x': [92.2, 30.1, 82.6, 51.1, 39.4, 10.1, 0, 299.1], 'y': [149.3, 100.1, 139.4, 111.1, 100.8, 180.1, 0, 402.5], 'year': [1950, 1951, 1952, 2000, 2000, 1954, 1955, 2004]}  
df2 = pd.DataFrame(data2)

     x        y     year
0   92.2    149.3   1950
1   30.1    100.1   1951
2   82.6    139.4   1952
3   51.1    111.1   2000
4   39.4    100.8   2000
5   10.1    180.1   1954
6   0.0     0.0     1955
7   299.1   402.5   2004


new_col = []
for i in df.index:
if ((df['x'].iloc[i] - 2.5) < df2['x'].iloc[i] < (df['x'].iloc[i] + 2.5) and 
    (df['y'].iloc[i] - 2.5) < df2['y'].iloc[i] < (df['y'].iloc[i] + 2.5) and 
    df['year'].iloc[i] == df2['year'].iloc[i]):
    out = 1
    out = 0
if out == 1:
df['Result'] = new_col
      x       y     year   Result
0   40.1    100.1   2000    0
1   50.1    110.1   2000    0
2   60.1    120.1   2001    0
3   70.1    130.1   2001    0
4   80.1    140.1   2003    0
5   90.1    150.1   2003    0
6   0.0     160.1   2003    0
7   300.1   400.1   2004    1

但是 output 就我想要的而言是不正確的。 它只是逐行比較。 我想查找: df 中的第一行是否在 df2 中根據條件? 這意味着為 df 中的每一行檢查 df2 中的所有行。 所以預期的 output 應該如下所示:

預計 output:df

As you can see, 3 rows satisfy the conditions:
0 in df --> 4 in df2
1 in df --> 3 in df2
7 in df --> 7 in df2
So expected output:

     x        y     year   Result
0   40.1    100.1   2000    1
1   50.1    110.1   2000    1
2   60.1    120.1   2001    0
3   70.1    130.1   2001    0
4   80.1    140.1   2003    0
5   90.1    150.1   2003    0
6   0.0     160.1   2003    0
7   300.1   400.1   2004    1

這是 Pandas 矢量化的替代解決方案。 如果你的 dataframe 很小,你不會從 for 循環中得到太多的性能負擔,但是,為了可擴展性和 Pandas 最佳實踐的觀點,你可以看看 Pandas 中的矢量化。

感謝@Timus 的評論,您可以先將 2 個數據框與left on year合並。

dfa = df.merge(df2, on='year', how='left', suffixes=('1', '2'))


dfa['Result'] = ((dfa.x2 > dfa.x1 - 2.5) & 
                (dfa.x2 < dfa.x1 + 2.5) & 
                (dfa.y2 > dfa.y1 - 2.5) & 
                (dfa.y2 < dfa.y1 + 2.5))

最后,您按 df 的 x, y, year (x1, y1, year) 分組,如果任何行的 Result 為True True

# any() returns True if there is at least 1 True in Result per group.
dfa = dfa.groupby(['x1', 'y1', 'year']).Result.any().astype(int).reset_index()


      x1     y1   year  Result
0    0.0  160.1   2003       0
1   40.1  100.1   2000       1
2   50.1  110.1   2000       1
3   60.1  120.1   2001       0
4   70.1  130.1   2001       0
5   80.1  140.1   2003       0
6   90.1  150.1   2003       0
7  300.1  400.1   2004       1

您可以遍歷每個 DataFrame 並檢查所有組合。

for index, row in df.iterrows():
    for index2, row2 in df2.iterrows():
        if  (row['x']-2.5 < row2['x']  < row['x']+2.5) and (row['y']-2.5 < row2['y']  < row['y']+2.5):
            df.loc[index, 'Result'] = 1


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