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[英]How we can achieve writing reusable and modular code

我們如何在企業代碼中實現編寫可重用和模塊化的代碼。 入門的基礎是什么


在企業產品中,編寫可重用代碼是使您的產品長期可靠、可測試和可維護的關鍵。 模塊化和可重復使用的代碼是任何標准產品的核心。



// Method signature
// Business: Each element of array holds the amount of total transaction done by the user on each day for a year. Hence the array length is 365.(ignore leap year)
int sumYear (int [] A) {
        // logic
        sum of elements from index 0 to last index (364) of array A

該方法實際上評估了用戶在給定年份的總交易金額。 考慮到這是最初的業務需求,因此代碼是以這種方式編寫的。

現在,假設有一個新的業務需求來了,它想要評估上半年的用戶交易。 你將如何實現它? 也許再寫一個可以評估上半年的方法。 正確的。 讓我們看看該方法的樣子。

// Method signature
// Business: Each element of array holds the amount of total transaction the user has done on each day for a year. Hence the array length is 365.
int sumHalfYear (int [] A) {
        // logic
        sum of elements from index 0 to last index (182) of array A (ignore leap year)

很酷,我們已經做到了。 :) 但它可以用任何其他方式完成,或者可能是更好的方式。 讓我們看看。

我們實際上可以編寫一個更通用/可重用的方法,它可以給出給定時間段內的交易總和。 像這樣的東西

// Method signature
// Business: Each element of array holds the amount of transaction the user has done on each day for a year. Hence the array length is 365.
// startIndex: Starting index to consider for evaluation
// endIndex: Ending index to consider for evaluation
int sum (int [] A, int startIndex, int endIndex) {
        // logic
        sum of elements from index "startIndex" to "endIndex" of array A (ignore leap year)


// Method signature
// Business: Each element of array holds the amount of transaction the user has done on each day for a year. Hence the array length is 365.
int sumYear (int [] A) {
        //sum of elements from index 0 to last index (364) of array A
        return sum(A, 0, 364);


// Method signature
// Business: Each element of array holds the amount of transaction the user has done on each day for a year. Hence the array length is 365.
int sumHalfYear(int[] A) {
        //sum of elements from index 0 to last index (182) of array A (ignore leap year)
        return sum(A, 0, 182);


// Method signature
// Business: Each element of array holds the amount of transaction an user has done on each day for a year. Hence the array length is 365.
int sumJanuray (int [] A) {
        //sum of elements from index 0 to last index (30) of array A
        return sum(A, 0, 30);

為什么我們要尋找更好的方法? 可能是為了適應未來的需求並減少代碼行。


  1. 更高的可用性
  2. 更高的可維護性
  3. 較少的代碼行
  4. 由於業務邏輯修改,未來不太容易回歸



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