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[英]How to get all controls/uielements in a window/page

我想在一個窗口/頁面中獲取所有控件/UIElements。 我怎樣才能做到這一點? 我使用了這段代碼,但沒有用,只返回一個元素

private IEnumerable<UIElement> GetUI(UIElement root)
            yield return root;
            if (root is Panel panel)
                foreach (var item in panel.Children)
                    yield return item;


var childs = grid.FindChildren();


 public static IEnumerable<FrameworkElement> FindChildren(this FrameworkElement element)

            if (element is Panel panel)
                foreach (UIElement child in panel.Children)
                    if (child is not FrameworkElement current)

                    yield return current;

                    foreach (FrameworkElement childOfChild in FindChildren(current))
                        yield return childOfChild;
            else if (element is ItemsControl itemsControl)
                foreach (object item in itemsControl.Items)
                    if (item is not FrameworkElement current)

                    yield return current;

                    foreach (FrameworkElement childOfChild in FindChildren(current))
                        yield return childOfChild;
            else if (element is ContentControl contentControl)
                if (contentControl.Content is FrameworkElement content)
                    yield return content;

                    element = content;

                    goto Start;
            else if (element is Border border)
                if (border.Child is FrameworkElement child)
                    yield return child;

                    element = child;

                    goto Start;
            else if (element is ContentPresenter contentPresenter)
                if (contentPresenter.Content is FrameworkElement content)
                    yield return content;

                    element = content;

                    goto Start;
            else if (element is Viewbox viewbox)
                if (viewbox.Child is FrameworkElement child)
                    yield return child;

                    element = child;

                    goto Start;
            else if (element is UserControl userControl)
                if (userControl.Content is FrameworkElement content)
                    yield return content;

                    element = content;

                    goto Start;
            else if (element.GetContentControl() is FrameworkElement containedControl)
                yield return containedControl;

                element = containedControl;

                goto Start;
        public static UIElement? GetContentControl(this FrameworkElement element)
            Type type = element.GetType();
            TypeInfo? typeInfo = type.GetTypeInfo();

            while (typeInfo is not null)
                // We need to manually explore the custom attributes this way as the target one
                // is not returned by any of the other available GetCustomAttribute<T> APIs.
                foreach (CustomAttributeData attribute in typeInfo.CustomAttributes)
                    if (attribute.AttributeType == typeof(ContentPropertyAttribute))
                        string propertyName = (string)attribute.NamedArguments[0].TypedValue.Value;
                        PropertyInfo? propertyInfo = type.GetProperty(propertyName);

                        return propertyInfo?.GetValue(element) as UIElement;

                typeInfo = typeInfo.BaseType?.GetTypeInfo();

            return null;

使用Microsoft 的 Visual Tree 助手 class


internal static void FindChildren<T>(List<T> results, DependencyObject startNode)
  where T : DependencyObject
    int count = VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(startNode);
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
        DependencyObject current = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(startNode, i);
        if ((current.GetType()).Equals(typeof(T)) || (current.GetType().GetTypeInfo().IsSubclassOf(typeof(T))))
            T asType = (T)current;
        FindChildren<T>(results, current);


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