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[英]Iterating through rows in a dataframe

我有一個包含 12 個不同團隊的數據框,它們有自己的統計數據。 我的目標是為一個團隊重復一系列步驟,依此類推,直到最后一個團隊處理完畢。 我的代碼目前僅正確計算數據框第一行的統計信息。 我想為數據幀的每一行重復這些代碼行。 我認為 for 循環將是這樣做的方法,但我正在努力解決要通過的論點。 任何幫助將不勝感激,謝謝。

import pandas as pd 
stats = pd.read_csv('question2_data .csv')
team_count = 0


  Team ID  Wins  Losses  Ties
0      9867     4       2     3
1      1234     7       5     2
2      6213     9       7     0
3      1231    12       2     2
4      8821     2       7     7
5      1131     8       0     8
6      7761    10       3     3
7      6831     0      16     0
8      3131    16       0     0
9      3131     0       0    16
10     8424     0       0     0
11     4211     4       4     4
team_id = stats.iloc[0]['Team ID']
win_count = stats.iloc[0]['Wins']
loss_count = stats.iloc[0]['Losses']
tie_count = stats.iloc[0]['Ties']
print('Team', team_id)
print(win_count, 'Wins', loss_count, 'Losses', tie_count, 'Ties')
game_count = win_count + loss_count + tie_count
remaining_games_count = 16 - game_count
if (game_count == 16):
  print('Games played:', game_count, 'The teams season is finished')
elif (game_count < 16):
  print('Games played:', game_count, 'Games remaining:', remaining_games_count) 
win_avg = round((win_count/game_count), 4) 
print('Winning average:', win_avg)
if (tie_count >= win_count):
  print('Games tied are greater than or equal to games won')
  print('Games tied are not greater than or equal to games won')
if (tie_count > loss_count):
  print('Games tied are greater than games lost')
  print('Games tied are not greater than games lost')
wip_tot = win_count + tie_count - (loss_count*3) 
if (wip_tot%2==0):
  wip_tot = 0 
print('WIP total:', wip_tot)

您的代碼計算第一行的統計信息,因為您使用的是 stats.iloc[0]。 因此,只需在 for 循環中替換 0 為您的迭代器:

for i in range(12):
    team_id = stats.iloc[i]['Team ID']
    win_count = stats.iloc[i]['Wins']
    loss_count = stats.iloc[i]['Losses']
    tie_count = stats.iloc[i]['Ties']




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