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我如何通過 Firebase 中的 setValue 實時更新和獲取 ServerValue.increment 操作?

[英]How could I update and GET a ServerValue.increment operation via setValue in Firebase - Realtime?

我可以看到 .runTransaction 選項有一個返回快照的完成監聽器,所以我假設這個快照是客戶端剛剛執行的更新快照(“DataSnapshot currentData”)。

public Result doTransaction(@NonNull MutableData currentData);

 * This method will be called once with the results of the transaction.
 * @param error null if no errors occurred, otherwise it contains a description of the error
 * @param committed True if the transaction successfully completed, false if it was aborted or
 *     an error occurred
 * @param currentData The current data at the location or null if an error occurred
public void onComplete(
    @Nullable DatabaseError error, boolean committed, @Nullable DataSnapshot currentData);

我的猜測是使用 setValue(ServerValue.increment) 比 runTransaction 快一個數量級。


   * ...
   * @param value The value to set at this location or null to delete the existing data
   * @param listener A listener that will be triggered with the results of the operation
  public void setValue(@Nullable Object value, @Nullable CompletionListener listener) {
    setValueInternal(value, PriorityUtilities.parsePriority(this.path, null), listener);

這里的文檔使 promise 聽眾會給我“ THE (MY??) 操作的結果”,但是當去聽眾時它並沒有說:

   * This interface is used as a method of being notified when an operation has been acknowledged by
   * the Database servers and can be considered complete
   * @since 1.1
  public interface CompletionListener {

     * This method will be triggered when the operation has either succeeded or failed. If it has
     * failed, an error will be given. If it has succeeded, the error will be null
     * @param error A description of any errors that occurred or null on success
     * @param ref A reference to the specified Firebase Database location
    public void onComplete(
        @Nullable final DatabaseError error, @NonNull final DatabaseReference ref);

請注意,DatabaseReference 不是值更新時分支的“快照”,而只是一個實時引用......

因為返回了一個簡單的引用,所以我假設我們被迫將一個普通的 singleValueEventListener 連接到這個引用....這意味着這個讀取不會是原子的...


Object db_config_ver = ServerValue.increment(1);

                            new DatabaseReference.CompletionListener() {
                                public void onComplete(@Nullable DatabaseError error, @NonNull DatabaseReference ref) {
                                    if (error == null) {

                                       //Should I connect a listener?? But this is NOT atomic and will bring ERRORS under heavy contention!!
                                                new ValueEventListener() {
                                                    public void onDataChange(@NonNull DataSnapshot snapshot) {


                                                    public void onCancelled(@NonNull DatabaseError error) {


                                        //Maybe a simple proactive read will suffice?
                                        long value = ref.get().getResult().getValue(Long.class);

                                       //What If I read the ServerValue.increment() object here:



所以也許 setValue 和 updateChildren 可以與 ServerValue.increment 運算符一起正常工作......但是正確執行 updateAnd Get的方法只能通過 runTransaction() 來實現?

當您對服務器上已存在的內容不感興趣時,可以使用ServerValue.increment()來增加字段的值。 如果你需要根據已經存在的值進行一些操作,那么確實需要進行一個事務,先讀取數據,然后再進行更新。

第一個解決方案是事務的簡化版本,不需要與 Firebase 服務器進行往返通信。



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