簡體   English   中英

檢查 VBA 中的兩列中是否存在值並突出顯示它們,在任何一列中遺漏多余的重復項

[英]Check if value exists in two columns in VBA and highlight them, leaving out excess duplicates in either column

我試圖讓 VBA 查看一列中的值,然后檢查另一列中是否存在相同的值。


圖片說明了我正在努力完成的事情。 EXCEL 截圖


我嘗試了這段代碼,但它不起作用,並突出顯示了我不希望突出顯示的單元格。 我試圖遍歷列並忽略已經突出顯示的單元格。

Sub highlightMatchingValues()

'Declare variables
    Dim cellC As Range, cellE As Range

'Loop through each cell with a value in column C
       For Each cellC In Range("C:C").Cells
        If Not IsEmpty(cellC) And cellC.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone Then 'ignore empty cells and cells that are already highlighted

'Loop through each cell with a value in column E
     For Each cellE In Range("E:E").Cells
            If Not IsEmpty(cellE) And cellE.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone Then 'ignore empty cells and cells that are already highlighted
                 If cellC.value = cellE.value Then 'check for a match

'Highlight both cells green
    cellC.Interior.Color = vbGreen
    cellE.Interior.Color = vbGreen

               End If
             End If
         Next cellE
    End If
    Next cellC

End Sub


'Sheet name = sheetName

'First columns variables (column C = index 3)
Dim firstLine1 As Long
Dim lastLine1 As Long

firstLine1 = 1
lastLine1 = Worksheets("sheetName").Cells(Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row
'Second columns variables (column E = index 5)
Dim firstLine2 As Long
Dim lastLine2 As Long

firstLine2 = 1
lastLine2 = Worksheets("sheetName").Cells(Rows.Count, 5).End(xlUp).Row

For i = firstLine1 To lastLine1
    For j = firstLine2 To lastLine2
        If (Worksheets("sheetName").Cells(i, 3).Value = Worksheets("sheetName").Cells(j, 5)) Then
            If (Worksheets("sheetName").Cells(j, 5).Interior.Color <> vbGreen) Then
                Worksheets("sheetName").Cells(i, 3).Interior.Color = vbGreen
                Worksheets("sheetName").Cells(j, 5).Interior.Color = vbGreen
                Exit For
            End If
        End If
    Next j
Next i


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