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Python 3.2 文件 I/O。 根據預設的大小限制生成和拆分文件。 如何?

[英]Python 3.2 File I/O. Generating & Spliting a file based on preset size limit. How?

我正在處理一些生成給定字符集的所有排列的代碼。 盡管我的代碼在 Python 2.7 中工作,但由於字符串中的許多更改,它不再在 Python 3.x 中工作。 我想適應,因為我是 Python 新手,我希望你能給我一點推動。 =)

我的問題是,當 Python 生成您選擇的單詞列表時,輸出文件大小會相應增加。 我想讓你告訴我如何讓這個腳本檢查預設的文件大小,如果達到,打開一個新文件並繼續寫入排列。



請記住,我已經查看了站點上的大多數示例,但它們不適用於 Python 3.2。

到目前為止,這是我的 Python 3.2 工作代碼:

import itertools
import subprocess
import os
from string import digits, ascii_lowercase, ascii_uppercase, punctuation

if os.name == 'nt':
    def clear_console():
        subprocess.call("cls", shell=True)
    def clear_console():
        subprocess.call("clear", shell=True)

def generate_phone_numbers(area_code):
    f = open('phones.txt', 'w')
    for i in range(2010000, 9999999):
        f.write(area_code + str(i) + '\n')

def generate_wordlist(lst_chars, min_digit, max_digit, lst_name):
    f = open(lst_name, 'w')
    for curr_length in range(min_digit, max_digit + 1):
        for curr_digit in itertools.product(lst_chars, repeat=curr_length):
            f.write(''.join(curr_digit) + '\n')

print ('')
print ('  wgen - Menu')

choice = 0

while int(choice) not in range(1,6):
    choice = input('''
  1. Phone numbers for a given area code.
  2. Numbers.
  3. Numbers + Lowercase.
  4. Numbers + Lowercase + Uppercase.
  5. Numbers + Lowercase + Uppercase + Punctuation.

  Enter Option: ''')

print ('')

choice = int(choice)

if choice == 1:
    area_code = input('''
  Please enter Area Code: ''')
    area_code = str(area_code)
    area_code = area_code.strip()
    if len(area_code) == 3:
        print ('')
        print ('  Generating phone numbers for area code ' + area_code + '.')
        print ('  Please wait...')

if choice == 2:
    min_digit = input('  What is the minimum size of the word? ')
    min_digit = int(min_digit)
    print ('')
    max_digit = input('  What is the maximum size of the word? ')
    max_digit = int(max_digit)
    chars = digits
    lst_name = 'numeric.txt'
    print ('')
    print ('  Generating numbers between ' + str(min_digit) + ' and ' + str(max_digit) + ' digits.')
    print ('  Please wait...')
    generate_wordlist(chars, min_digit, max_digit, lst_name)

if choice == 3:
    min_digit = input('  What is the minimum size of the word? ')
    min_digit = int(min_digit)
    print ('')
    max_digit = input('  What is the maximum size of the word? ')
    max_digit = int(max_digit)
    chars = digits + ascii_lowercase
    lst_name = 'numeric_lowercase.txt'
    print ('')
    print ('  Generating numbers & lowercase between ' + str(min_digit) + ' and ' + str(max_digit) + ' digits.')
    print ('  Please wait...')
    generate_wordlist(chars, min_digit, max_digit, lst_name)

if choice == 4:
    min_digit = input('  What is the minimum size of the word? ')
    min_digit = int(min_digit)
    print ('')
    max_digit = input('  What is the maximum size of the word? ')
    max_digit = int(max_digit)
    chars = digits + ascii_lowercase + ascii_uppercase
    lst_name = 'numeric_lowercase_uppercase.txt'
    print ('')
    print ('  Generating numbers, lowercase & uppercase between ' + str(min_digit) + ' and ' + str(max_digit) + ' digits.')
    print ('  Please wait...')
    generate_wordlist(chars, min_digit, max_digit, lst_name)

if choice == 5:
    min_digit = input('  What is the minimum size of the word? ')
    min_digit = int(min_digit)
    print ('')
    max_digit = input('  What is the maximum size of the word? ')
    max_digit = int(max_digit)
    chars = punctuation
    lst_name = 'numeric_lowercase_uppercase_punctuation.txt'
    print ('')
    print ('  Generating numbers, lowercase, uppercase & punctuation between ' + str(min_digit) + ' and ' + str(max_digit) + ' digits.')
    print ('  Please wait...')
    generate_wordlist(chars, min_digit, max_digit, lst_name)

我認為最好的解決方案是編寫一個像文件一樣的類,但提供分塊功能。 您的程序只是寫入此對象,就好像它是一個常規文件一樣。

下面的實現不會拆分字符串(如果你調用f.write("this is a test")整個消息保證進入一個文件)並且它只會在超過限制時開始一個新的,所以文件將略大於塊大小。 此行為全部在write()方法中,如果需要,可以更改。

class chunkyfile(object):
    def __init__(self, filename, chunksize=1000000, mode="w", encoding=None, 
                 extension="", start=0, digits=6):
        self.filename  = filename
        self.chunksize = chunksize
        self.chunkno   = start
        self.file      = None
        self.mode      = mode
        self.encoding  = encoding
        self.digits    = digits
        self.extension = ("." * bool(extension) * (not extension.startswith(".")) +
        self.softspace = 0       # for use with print

    def _nextfile(self):
        self.file and self.file.close()
        self.file = open(self.filename + str(self.chunkno).rjust(self.digits, "0") + 
                         self.extension, mode=self.mode, encoding=self.encoding)
        self.chunkno += 1

    def write(self, text):
        self.file and self.file.tell() > self.chunksize and self.close()
        self.file or self._nextfile()

    # convenience method, equivalent to print(... file=f)
    # requires Python 3.x or from __future__ import print in Py2
    def print(*objects, sep=" ", end="\n", flush=False):
        print(*objects, sep=sep, end=end, flush=flush, file=self)

    def writelines(self, lines):
        # do it a line at a time in case we need to split
        for line in lines: self.write(line)

    def flush(self):
        self.file and self.file.flush()

    def close(self):
        self.file = self.file and self.file.close()

    # support "with" statement
    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, e, value, tb):

# now use the file
with chunkyfile(r"C:\test", 10, extension="txt", encoding="utf8") as f:
    f.write("The humans are dead")
    f.write("The humans are dead")
    f.write("We used poisonous gasses")
    f.write("And we poisoned their asses")

通過一些預先配置,您可以使用 stdlib 中的日志記錄庫中內置的 RotatingFileHandler。

import logging
from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler

log = logging.getLogger('myprog.stufflogger')
log.propagate = False #ensure that we don't mess with other logging

#configure RotatingFileHandler
handler = RotatingFileHandler('base_file_name.txt', maxBytes=1024*1024*20)
handler.terminator = '' # default is new line


# you can now use any of the log methods to add the values



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