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Generics 和 c# 中的謂詞

[英]Generics and predicates in c#

我有以下代碼不起作用。 就是說 PartitionKey 和 RowKey 的值無法解析。 希望有高手可以給我一些建議。 到目前為止,我所擁有的都是基於一些建議,但仍然無法正常工作。

public class BaseTable
    public string PartitionKey { get; set; }
    public string RowKey { get; set; }

public abstract class AzureTableBase<T> : IAzureTable<T>

     // This method gives the errors. The idea of this method is that instead of 
     // supplying the predicate you can just supply a value for partitionkey and
     // rowkey as parameters. The problem is that it doesn't work and give the 
     // following syntax errors:
     // Cannot resolve symbol PartitionKey
     // Cannot resolve symbol RowKey
     public virtual T Get<T>(string pkey, string rkey) where T : BaseTable
         var a = this.Query.Where(u => u.PartitionKey == pkey && u.RowKey == rkey);

     //  Following method works:
     public virtual T Get(Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate)
         return this.Query.Where(predicate).FirstOrDefault();

     public virtual IQueryable<T> Query
            TableServiceContext context = CreateContext();
            return context.CreateQuery<T>(TableName).AsTableServiceQuery();


下面是我目前如何調用第二個 Get function 的示例:

SubTest = testTable.Get(u => u.PartitionKey == "XX" & u.RowKey == "YY")


SubTest = testTable.Get("XX","YY")

如果那是您的確切代碼,則不能具有自由浮動功能,則需要將Get<T>放入 class 中,該代碼最好具有各種Query字段。

根據您更新的帖子和您完全拒絕發布完整的代碼,我只能假設您並不真正關心(甚至理解)您的代碼做了什么,只是它可以編譯。 在那張紙條上,

public abstract class AzureTableBase<T> : IAzureTable<T> where T : BaseTable
     // don't need to re-generalize this function, T is already inherited from your class
     public virtual T Get(string pkey, string rkey)
         var a = this.Query.Where(u => u.PartitionKey == pkey && u.RowKey == rkey);
         return a.FirstOrDefault();     // again, only guessing.

     public virtual IQueryable<T> Query
            TableServiceContext context = CreateContext();
            return context.CreateQuery<T>(TableName).AsTableServiceQuery();

@Blindly 是正確的,但還有另一部分...... T 或 Type 是否由context.CreateQuery<T>(TableName).AsTableServiceQuery();返回實際上繼承自BaseTable?


class OneOfYourTables : BaseTable




this.Query.Where(u => u.PartitionKey == pkey && u.RowKey == rkey);

您的方法聲稱返回T類型的值,在這種情況下,它被限制為BaseTable (或可能是子類)。 這兩種類型不兼容。


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