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F#MailboxProcessor - 郵箱的多個等待閱讀器延續

[英]F# MailboxProcessor - multiple waiting reader continuations for mailbox

我正在玩寫一些非常簡單的異步測試框架。 但我認為我正在遇到某種限制或錯誤。 抱歉,我無法在較小的代碼庫上重現這一點。


module TestRunner
    open System

    type TestOptions = {
        Writer : ConsoleColor -> string -> unit}
    type TestResults = {
        Time : TimeSpan
        Failure : exn option
    type Test = {
        Name : string
        Finished : IEvent<TestResults>
        SetFinished : TestResults -> unit
        TestFunc : TestOptions -> Async<TestResults> }

    let createTest name f =  
        let ev = new Event<TestResults>()
            Name = name 
            Finished = ev.Publish
            SetFinished = (fun res -> ev.Trigger res)
            TestFunc = 
                (fun options -> async {
                    let watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
                        do! f options
                        return { Failure = None; Time = watch.Elapsed }
                    with exn ->
                        return { Failure = Some exn; Time = watch.Elapsed }

    let simpleTest name f = 
        createTest name (fun options -> f options.Writer)

    /// Create a new Test and change the result
    let mapResult mapping test = 
        { test with
            TestFunc = 
                (fun options -> async {
                    let! result = test.TestFunc options
                    return mapping result})}

    let writeConsole color f = 
        let old = System.Console.ForegroundColor
            System.Console.ForegroundColor <- color
            System.Console.ForegroundColor <- old

    let printColor color (text:String) = 
        writeConsole color (fun _ -> Console.WriteLine(text))

    type WriterMessage = 
        | NormalWrite of ConsoleColor * String
        | StartTask of AsyncReplyChannel<int> * String
        | WriteMessage of int * ConsoleColor * String
        | EndTask of int

    /// will handle printing jobs for two reasons
    /// 1. Nice output grouped by tests (StartTask,WriteMessage,EndTask)
    /// 2. Print Summary after all tests finished (NormalWrite)
    let writer = MailboxProcessor.Start (fun inbox -> 
        let currentTask = ref 0
        let newHandle (returnHandle:AsyncReplyChannel<int>) = 
            let handle = System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment currentTask
            returnHandle.Reply handle

        // the tasks describe which tasks are currently waiting to be processed
        let rec loop tasks = async {
            let! newTasks =
                match tasks with
                /// We process the Task with the number t and the name name
                | (t, name) :: next -> 
                        (fun msg -> 
                            match msg with
                            | EndTask (endTask) -> 
                                // if the message is from the current task finish it
                                if t = endTask then
                                    Some (async { return next })
                                else None
                            | WriteMessage(writeTask, color, message) ->
                                if writeTask = t then 
                                    Some (async {
                                        printColor color (sprintf "Task %s: %s" name message)
                                        return tasks
                                else None
                            | StartTask (returnHandle, name) -> 
                                // Start any tasks instantly and add them to the list (because otherwise they would just wait for the resonse)
                                Some (async { 
                                    let handle = newHandle returnHandle
                                    return (List.append tasks [handle, name]) })
                            | _ -> None)
                // No Current Tasks so just start ones or process the NormalWrite messages
                | [] ->
                        (fun msg -> 
                            match msg with
                            | StartTask (returnHandle, name) -> 
                                Some (async { 
                                    let handle = newHandle returnHandle
                                    return [handle, name] })
                            | NormalWrite(color, message) ->
                                Some (async {
                                    printColor color message
                                    return []
                            | _ -> None)   

            return! loop newTasks 
        loop [])

    /// Write a normal message via writer
    let writerWrite color (text:String) = 
        writer.Post(NormalWrite(color, text))

    /// A wrapper around the communication (to not miss EndTask for a StartTask)
    let createTestWriter name f = async {
        let! handle = writer.PostAndAsyncReply(fun reply -> StartTask(reply, name))
            let writer color s = 
            return! f(writer)
            writer.Post (EndTask(handle))
    /// Run the given test and print the results
    let testRun t = async {
        let! results = createTestWriter t.Name (fun writer -> async {
            writer ConsoleColor.Green (sprintf "started")
            let! results = t.TestFunc { Writer = writer }
            match results.Failure with
            | Some exn -> 
                writer ConsoleColor.Red (sprintf "failed with %O" exn)
            | None ->
                writer ConsoleColor.Green (sprintf "succeeded!")
            return results}) 
        t.SetFinished results
    /// Start the given task with the given amount of workers
    let startParallelMailbox workerNum f = 
        MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox ->
            let workers = Array.init workerNum (fun _ -> MailboxProcessor.Start f)
            let rec loop currentNum = async {
                let! msg = inbox.Receive()
                workers.[currentNum].Post msg
                return! loop ((currentNum + 1) % workerNum)
            loop 0 )
    /// Runs all posted Tasks
    let testRunner = 
        startParallelMailbox 10 (fun inbox ->
            let rec loop () = async {
                let! test = inbox.Receive()
                do! testRun test
                return! loop()
            loop ())
    /// Start the given tests and print a sumary at the end
    let startTests tests = async {
        let! results =
                |> Seq.map (fun t ->
                    let waiter = t.Finished |> Async.AwaitEvent
                    testRunner.Post t
                |> Async.Parallel
        let testTime = 
                |> Seq.map (fun res -> res.Time)
                |> Seq.fold (fun state item -> state + item) TimeSpan.Zero
        let failed = 
                |> Seq.map (fun res -> res.Failure) 
                |> Seq.filter (fun o -> o.IsSome)
                |> Seq.length
        let testCount = results.Length
        if failed > 0 then
            writerWrite ConsoleColor.DarkRed (sprintf "--- %d of %d TESTS FAILED (%A) ---" failed testCount testTime)
            writerWrite ConsoleColor.DarkGray (sprintf "--- %d TESTS FINISHED SUCCESFULLY (%A) ---" testCount testTime)


#r @"Yaaf.GameMediaManager.Primitives.dll";; // See below
open TestRunner

let testLink link =
    Yaaf.GameMediaManager.EslGrabber.getMatchMembers link
    |> Async.Ignore

let tests = [
    // Some working links (links that should work)
      [ //"TestMatch", "http://www.esl.eu/eu/wire/anti-cheat/css/anticheat_test/match/26077222/"
        "MatchwithCheater", "http://www.esl.eu/de/csgo/ui/versus/match/3035028"
        "DeletedAccount", "http://www.esl.eu/de/css/ui/versus/match/2852106" 
        "CS1.6", "http://www.esl.eu/de/cs/ui/versus/match/2997440" 
        "2on2Versus", "http://www.esl.eu/de/css/ui/versus/match/3012767" 
        "SC2cup1on1", "http://www.esl.eu/eu/sc2/go4sc2/cup230/match/26964055/"
        "CSGO2on2Cup", "http://www.esl.eu/de/csgo/cups/2on2/season_08/match/26854846/"
        "CSSAwpCup", "http://www.esl.eu/eu/css/cups/2on2/awp_cup_11/match/26811005/"
        ] |> Seq.map (fun (name, workingLink) -> simpleTest (sprintf "TestEslMatches_%s" name) (fun o -> testLink workingLink))

startTests tests |> Async.Start;; // this will produce the Exception now and then

https://github.com/matthid/Yaaf.GameMediaManager/blob/core/src/Yaaf.GameMediaManager.Primitives/EslGrabber.fs是代碼,您可以下載https://github.com/downloads/matthid/Yaaf。 GameMediaManager / GameMediaManager。% (這基本上是一個重命名的zip存檔)並解壓縮得到Yaaf.GameMediaManager.Primitives.dll二進制文件(你可以把它粘貼到FSI而不是你想要的下載但是你有引用HtmlAgilityPack)

我可以使用Microsoft(R)F#2.0 Interactive,Build 4.0.40219.1重現這一點。 問題是異常不會一直觸發(但經常)並且堆棧跟蹤不會告訴我什么

System.Exception: multiple waiting reader continuations for mailbox
   bei <StartupCode$FSharp-Core>.$Control.-ctor@1860-3.Invoke(AsyncParams`1 _arg11)
   bei <StartupCode$FSharp-Core>.$Control.loop@413-40(Trampoline this, FSharpFunc`2 action)
   bei Microsoft.FSharp.Control.Trampoline.ExecuteAction(FSharpFunc`2 firstAction)
   bei Microsoft.FSharp.Control.TrampolineHolder.Protect(FSharpFunc`2 firstAction)
   bei <StartupCode$FSharp-Core>.$Control.finishTask@1280[T](AsyncParams`1 _arg3, AsyncParamsAux aux, FSharpRef`1 firstExn, T[] results, TrampolineHolder trampolineHolder, Int32 remaining)
   bei <StartupCode$FSharp-Core>.$Control.recordFailure@1302[T](AsyncParams`1 _arg3, AsyncParamsAux aux, FSharpRef`1 count, FSharpRef`1 firstExn, T[] results, LinkedSubSource innerCTS, TrampolineHolder trampolineHolder, FSharpChoice`2 exn)
   bei <StartupCode$FSharp-Core>.$Control.Parallel@1322-3.Invoke(Exception exn)
   bei Microsoft.FSharp.Control.AsyncBuilderImpl.protectedPrimitive@690.Invoke(AsyncParams`1 args)
   bei <StartupCode$FSharp-Core>.$Control.loop@413-40(Trampoline this, FSharpFunc`2 action)
   bei Microsoft.FSharp.Control.Trampoline.ExecuteAction(FSharpFunc`2 firstAction)
   bei Microsoft.FSharp.Control.TrampolineHolder.Protect(FSharpFunc`2 firstAction)
   bei <StartupCode$FSharp-Core>.$Control.-ctor@473-1.Invoke(Object state)
   bei System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.WaitCallback_Context(Object state)
   bei System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean ignoreSyncCtx)
   bei System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem()
   bei System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()
   bei System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback.PerformWaitCallback()



我的代碼有什么問題,或者這確實是一個錯誤? 如果可能,我該如何解決這個問題?

我注意到在FSI中,當默認忽略Exception時,所有測試都將按預期運行。 我怎么能這樣做?

編輯:我注意到我修復了失敗的單元測試后它會正常工作。 但是,我不能用較小的代碼庫重現這一點。 例如,我自己的失敗測試。



說實話,我會謹慎使用掃描功能。 我寫了一篇關於使用它們的危險的博客文章



我會稍微區別地解決這個問題,將單獨的組件分解為管道階段而不是嵌套的異步塊。 我將創建一個supervisor組件和路由組件。

主管將負責初始測試並將消息發布到路由組件,該組件將請求循環到其他代理。 任務完成后,他們可以回復給主管。


我相信在Scan / TryScan / Receive的2.0實現中有一個錯誤可能會導致錯誤

multiple waiting reader continuations for mailbox 

例外; 我認為現在已經在3.0實現中修復了這個bug。 我沒有仔細查看您的代碼,以確保您在實現中一次只嘗試接收一條消息,因此這也可能是您的代碼中的錯誤。 如果你可以嘗試對抗F#3.0,那么很高興知道這是否會消失。


只有50個代理/郵箱,執行和吞吐量開始變得堵塞。 有時輕負載它會對第一輪消息起作用,但是對調用日志庫的任何重要事件都會觸發更長的延遲。

使用VS IDE中的Threads / Parallel Stacks窗口進行調試,運行時正在等待FSharpAsync.RunSynchronously - > CancellationTokenOps.RunSynchronously調用Trampoline.ExecuteAction的結果

我懷疑底層的ThreadPool是限制啟動(在它第一次運行似乎運行正常之后)。 這是一個很長的延遲。 我正在使用代理在某些隊列中進行小規模計算,同時允許主調度代理保持響應,因此延遲在CLR中的某處。

我發現在try-with中運行帶有Timeout的MailboxProcessor Receive,停止了延遲,但是這需要包含在異步塊中以阻止程序的其余部分減慢,但是延遲時間很短。 盡管有點蠢蠢欲動,但對於實現actor模型的F#MailboxProcessor非常滿意。

遺憾的是,我從來沒有真正能夠在較小的代碼庫上重現這一點,現在我將使用NUnit與異步測試支持而不是我自己的實現。 我在各種項目中使用了代理(MailboxProcessor)和asyncs,從未再遇到過這種情況......


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