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在map / 2d數組中找到最接近的(幾何上)非零值

[英]Finding the nearest (geometrically) non-zero value in a map/2d array

我有一個二維數組,表示來自圖片的選擇性數據。 所有無用的數據都設置為0。從兩個索引中,我需要找到最接近的值-幾何上-到索引(代表坐標)不為0的值。





        int height;
        int width;
        ushort[,] _2dfat;

        private ushort getAssociatedFat(int centerX, int centerY) 
            int radiusmax = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(height,2) + Math.Pow(width, 2) + 1));
            return getAssociatedFat(1, centerX, centerY,radiusmax); 

        private ushort getAssociatedFat(int radius, int centerX, int centerY,int radiusmax) //RECURSIVE METHOD: requires extensive analysis and testing

            ushort max=circleSym8(centerX, centerY, radius);
            if (max != 0) return max;
            else if (radius <= radiusmax)
                return getAssociatedFat(radius + 1, centerX, centerY, radiusmax);
                MessageBox.Show("WARNING: empty fat array/image"); 
                return 0; 

        private ushort getMax(ushort max, int x, int y)
                if (_2dfat[y, x] == 0) return max;
                else if (_2dfat[y, x] > max) return _2dfat[y, x];
                else return max;
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { return max; }


        private ushort circleSym8(int xCenter, int yCenter, int radius)
            int x, y, r2;
            r2 = radius * radius;
            ushort max=0;
            max=getMax(max, xCenter, yCenter + radius);
            max = getMax(max, xCenter, yCenter - radius);
            max = getMax(max, xCenter + radius, yCenter);
            max = getMax(max, xCenter - radius, yCenter);

            y = radius;
            x = 1;
            y = (int)(Math.Sqrt(r2 - 1) + 0.5);
            while (x < y)
                max = getMax(max, xCenter + x, yCenter + y);
                max = getMax(max, xCenter + x, yCenter - y);
                max = getMax(max, xCenter - x, yCenter + y);
                max = getMax(max, xCenter - x, yCenter - y);
                max = getMax(max, xCenter + y, yCenter + x);
                max = getMax(max, xCenter + y, yCenter - x);
                max = getMax(max, xCenter - y, yCenter + x);
                max = getMax(max, xCenter - y, yCenter - x);
                x += 1;
                y = (int)(Math.Sqrt(r2 - x * x) + 0.5);
            if (x == y)
                max = getMax(max, xCenter + x, yCenter + y);
                max = getMax(max, xCenter + x, yCenter - y);
                max = getMax(max, xCenter - x, yCenter + y);
                max = getMax(max, xCenter - x, yCenter - y);
            return max;

您可以將有趣的數據作為點存儲在四叉樹kd樹中,並以這種方式執行范圍搜索。 這些數據結構已針對您正在執行的查找進行了優化,並會降低每次搜索的復雜性。


// Given some point in the quadtree, walk upwards and outwards
// returning points found ordered by distance
var nearestNeighbor = quadTree.Neighbors(point)
                              .OrderBy(pp => point.Distance(pp))


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