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使用兩種不同類型的Guava ListenableFutures的結果

[英]Use the results of two Guava ListenableFutures of different types

我有兩個在其他線程上完成的ListenableFutures。 每個未來都是不同的類型,我希望在它們完整時使用它們的兩個結果。



class Composite {
  public A a;
  public B b;

public ListenableFuture<Composite> combine(ListenableFuture<A> futureA, 
                                           final ListenableFuture<B> futureB) {

  return Futures.transform(futureA, new AsyncFunction<A, Composite>() {
    public ListenableFuture<Composite> apply(final A a) throws Exception {
      return Futures.transform(futureB, new Function<B, Compisite>() {
        public Composite apply(B b) {
          return new Composite(a, b);


ListenableFuture<A> futureA = ...
ListenableFuture<B> futureB = ...

ListenableFuture<Composite> result = combine(futureA, futureB);

在這種情況下Pair<A, B>如果您願意Pair<A, B> Composite可以是來自Apache Commons的Pair<A, B>


另一個解決方案是看看Spotify團隊的Trickle GitHub自述文件有一個示例,顯示了類似問題的解決方案。


Runnable listener = new Runnable() {
    private boolean jobDone = false;

    public synchronized void run() {
        if (jobDone || !(future1.isDone() && future2.isDone())) {
        jobDone = true;
        // TODO do your job



ListenableFuture<List<Object>> composedFuture = 
    Futures.allAsList(future1, future2);

自Guava v20.0起,您可以使用:

ListenableFuture<CombinedResult> resultFuture =
   Futures.whenAllSucceed(future1, future2)
       .call(callableThatCombinesAndReturnsCombinedResult, executor);

請看這里的java docs示例

如果您想要某種類型安全,可以使用姐妹Guava com.google.common.eventbus包中的EventBus組合2個不同的獨立任務的結果


首先,創建一個累加器(其他名稱構建器收集器等)類,您將使用EventBus注冊為事件接收器。 正如你所看到的,它真的是一個POJO,它將會進行IntegerDouble事件

class Accumulator
    Integer intResult;
    Double  doubleResult;

    @Subscribe // This annotation makes it an event handler
    public void setIntResult ( final Integer val )
        intResult = val;

    public void setDoubleResult ( final Double val )
        doubleResult = val;


final ListenableFuture< Integer > future1 = ...;
final ListenableFuture< Double > future2 = ...;

final ImmutableList< ListenableFuture< ? extends Object> > futures =
    ImmutableList.< ListenableFuture<? extends Object> >of( future1, future2 );

final ListenableFuture< Accumulator > resultFuture =
        // If you don't care about failures, use allAsList
        Futures.successfulAsList( futures ),
        new Function< List<Object>, Accumulator > ( )
            public Accumulator apply ( final List< Object > input )
                final Accumulator accumulator = new Accumulator( );

                final EventBus eventBus = new EventBus( );
                eventBus.register( accumulator );

                for ( final Object cur: input )
                    // Failed results will be set to null
                    if ( cur != null )
                        eventBus.post( cur );

                return accumulator;

final Accumulator accumulator = resultFuture.get( );


//Asynchronous call to get first value
final ListenableFuture<Integer> futureValue1 = ...;

//Take the result of futureValue1 and transform it into a function to get the second value
final AsyncFunction<Integer, Integer> getSecondValueAndSumFunction = new AsyncFunction<Integer, Integer>() {
    public ListenableFuture<Integer> apply(final Integer value1) {

        //Asynchronous call to get second value
        final ListenableFuture<Integer> futureValue2 = ...;

        //Return the sum of the values
        final Function<Integer, Integer> addValuesFuture = new Function<Integer, Integer>() {
            public Integer apply(Integer value2) {

                Integer sum = value1 + value2;
                return sum;

        //Transform the second value so its value can be added to the first
        final ListenableFuture<Integer> sumFuture = Futures.transform(futureValue2, addValuesFuture);   

        return sumFuture;

final ListenableFuture<Integer> valueOnePlusValueTwo = Futures.transform(futureValue1, getSecondValueAndSumFunction);   


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