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在OpenGL ES片段着色器中将图纸细分为纹理FBO

[英]Subrect drawing to texture FBO within OpenGL ES Fragment Shader

I'm trying to draw to a subrect of a texture based FBO, but am having difficulty. 我正在尝试绘制基于纹理的FBO的子区域,但是遇到了困难。 The FBO has dimensions of say 500x500 and I am trying to have the fragment shader only redraw say a 20x20 pixel subrect. FBO的尺寸为500x500,我正在尝试让片段着色器仅重绘20x20像素的subrect。 Modiyfing the full texture works without difficulty. 修改整个纹理很容易。

At first I tried setting glViewport to the needed subrect, but it doesn't look to be that simple. 最初,我尝试将glViewport设置为所需的subrect,但它看起来并不那么简单。 I'm suspecting that the Vertex attributes affecting gl_Position and the varying texture coordinates are involved, but I can't figure out how. 我怀疑涉及到影响gl_Position的顶点属性和变化的纹理坐标,但是我不知道怎么做。


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