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Three.js OBJLoader .obj模型不投射阴影

[英]Three.js OBJLoader .obj model not casting shadows

I'm working on a project where I wish to allow a .OBJ model loaded from OBJLoader.js to cast a shadow from a spotlight. 我正在一个项目中,我希望允许从OBJLoader.js加载的.OBJ模型从聚光灯下投射阴影。 The light will cast shadows from other normal objects, but the .OBJ will not seem to cast shadows. 光线会从其他正常对象投射阴影,但是.OBJ似乎不会投射阴影。

A possible symptom to the problem is as follows: When these normal objects are created when clicking on the floor, they are entered into the array Objects[], which in turn makes them clickable to add objects on top of themselves. 问题的可能征兆如下:单击地板时创建这些普通对象时,会将它们输入到数组Objects []中,这又使它们可单击以将对象添加到自身之上。 The .OBJ model is also added to this array, however I cannot click it to add models on top of it; .OBJ模型也已添加到此数组,但是我无法单击它以在其顶部添加模型。 as if the raycaster is not detecting it. 就像光线投射器没有检测到它一样。

I'll include all of the code, as the problem may lie somewhere unforeseen. 我将包括所有代码,因为问题可能出在无法预料的地方。

A working link is available HERE 这里有可用的链接

http://www.powertrooper.com/3D/demos/issues/OBJShadows http://www.powertrooper.com/3D/demos/issues/OBJShadows

Try Clicking on the floor to see how other objects do cast shadows. 尝试单击地板以查看其他对象如何投射阴影。

Anyone have any ideas? 有人有想法么? Mr.Doob? 杜布先生? Are you out there? 你在外面吗 :) :)

ps: I have no idea why in my browser, the link I have left is directing to a malware site called "4safe.in". ps:我不知道为什么在我的浏览器中,我留下的链接指向一个名为“ 4safe.in”的恶意软件网站。 Try copying and pasting the link I guess... 尝试复制和粘贴链接,我猜...

Just in case- here's a snippet of code that includes most of what is likely causing the problem. 以防万一-这是一段代码片段,其中包括可能导致问题的大部分内容。

    renderer.shadowMapEnabled = true;///////////////////////////////////////////// RENDERER /// <------------Renderer and lights set up to cast shadows
    light.castShadow = true;
    light.shadowDarkness = 1;
    renderer.shadowMapSoft = true;
    floor.receiveShadow = true;

    var texture = new THREE.Texture();
    var loader = new THREE.ImageLoader();
    loader.addEventListener( 'load', function ( event ) {

        texture.image = event.content;
        texture.needsUpdate = true;

    } );
    loader.load( 'modeltest/ash_uvgrid01.jpg' );

    // model

    var loader = new THREE.OBJLoader();
    loader.addEventListener( 'load', function ( event ) {

        var newModel = event.content;

         newModel.traverse( function ( child ) {

             if ( child instanceof THREE.Mesh ) {

                 child.material.map = texture;


         } );

        newModel.position.set (200,30,0);
        newModel.castShadow = true;///////////////////////////// <------ This doesn't seem to be working.
        scene.add( newModel );
        objects.push( newModel );/////////////////////////////// <------ The other HINT: because of this, the raycaster SHOULD allow us to click the model and create a new block. But we can't.


    loader.load( 'modeltest/male02.obj' );

Each child mesh of your object must have castShadow set to true . 对象的每个子网格必须将castShadow设置为true

newModel.traverse( function ( child ) {

    if ( child instanceof THREE.Mesh ) {

        child.material.map = texture;
        child.castShadow = true;


} );

To get raycaster.intersectObjects() to work with your object, you need to set the recursive flag to true . 为了使raycaster.intersectObjects()与您的对象一起使用,您需要将递归标志设置为true

var intersects = raycaster.intersectObjects( objects, true );

three.js r.57 three.js r.57

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