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[英]cocos2d - CCSprite not aligned with b2Body

If I create a sprite and body with the first batch of code, the sprite is centered on top of the circular body. 如果我用第一批代码创建一个精灵和主体,则该精灵将位于圆形主体的顶部居中。 But if I create the sprite with the second batch of code, the bottom of the circular body is attached to the top of the sprite. 但是,如果我使用第二批代码创建精灵,则圆形主体的底部将附加到精灵的顶部。 Both batches of code use the following 这两批代码都使用以下代码

Update 1 - I changed createBody so that it now takes position as an input. 更新1-我更改了createBody,以便现在将其作为输入。 Then I think I send the correct position in each cause, but I still see the top of the sprite connected to the bottom of the body in the second batch of code. 然后,我认为我在每种原因中都发送了正确的位置,但是在第二批代码中,我仍然看到精灵的顶部连接到主体的底部。

createBody method: createBody方法:

- (void)createBody : (NSNumber *)xPos  yPos:(NSNumber *)yPos {

float radius = 16.0f;

b2BodyDef bd;
bd.type = b2_dynamicBody;
bd.linearDamping = 0.1f;
bd.fixedRotation = true;
bd.position.Set([xPos doubleValue]/PTM_RATIO, [yPos doubleValue]/PTM_RATIO);

body = _world->CreateBody(&bd);

b2CircleShape shape;
shape.m_radius = radius/PTM_RATIO;

b2FixtureDef fd;
fd.shape = &shape;
fd.density = 1.0f;
fd.restitution = 0.0f;
fd.friction = 0.2; 


} }

First batch of code - 第一批代码-

Hero.mm - 英雄-

- (id)initWithWorld:(b2World *)world {
    if ((self = [super initWithSpriteFrameName:@"animal.png"])) {
      NSNumber *xPos = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:self.position.x];
      NSNumber *yPos = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:self.position.y];
      [self createBody:xPos yPos:yPos];

HellowWorld.mm HellowWorld.mm

  _hero = [[[Hero alloc] initWithWorld:_world] autorelease];
    [_terrain.batchNode addChild:_hero];

Second batch of code - 第二批代码-

Hero.mm - 英雄-

 CCSprite *sprite = [CCSprite spriteWithSpriteFrameName:@"animal.png"];
 [self addChild:sprite];
 NSNumber *xPos = [NSNumber numberWithDouble: sprite.position.x];
 NSNumber *yPos = [NSNumber numberWithDouble: sprite.position.y];
 [self createBody:xPos yPos:yPos];

The main difference between the two batches of code is that the first uses initWithSpriteFrameName and the second uses spriteWithSpriteFrameName . 这两批代码之间的主要区别是,第一批使用initWithSpriteFrameName ,第二批使用spriteWithSpriteFrameName Does anyone know how to center the sprite on the body using spriteWithSpriteFrameName? 有谁知道如何使用spriteWithSpriteFrameName将精灵居中放置在主体上?

The strange thing is that this line in the createBody method 奇怪的是,createBody方法中的这一行

     bd.position.Set([xPos doubleValue]/PTM_RATIO, [yPos doubleValue]/PTM_RATIO);

doesn't seem to position the body on the sprite, but to position body and sprite in the world coordinates. 似乎不是将物体放置在精灵上,而是将物体和精灵放置在世界坐标中。

The only difference that I notice is as follows. 我注意到的唯一区别如下。

In your first case you initialize your hero as a sprite and call createBody which in turn uses self.position , ie. 在第一种情况下,您将英雄初始化为精灵,然后调用createBody ,后者依次使用self.position ,即。 the position of the sprite itself. 精灵本身的位置。

In your second case, you add a sprite as a child - createBody now uses the position of the parent object and not the sprite that you are adding. 在第二种情况下,将子级添加为子级createBody现在使用父对象的位置,而不是要添加的子级。

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