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[英]Matlab: How to vectorize a nested loop over a 2D set of vectors

I have a function in the following form: 我有以下形式的函数:

function Out = DecideIfAPixelIsWithinAnEllipsoidalClass(pixel,means,VarianceCovarianceMatrix)  
   ellipsoid = (pixel-means)'*(VarianceCovarianceMatrix^(-1))*(pixel-means);  
   if ellipsoid <= 1
      Out = 1;
      Out = 0;

I am doing remote-sensing processes with matlab and I want to classify a LandSatTM images.This picture has 7 bands and is 2048*2048.So I stored them in 3 dimentinal 2048*2048*7 matrix.in this function means is a 7*1 matrix calculated earlier using the sample of the class in a function named ExtractStatisticalParameters and VarianceCovarianceMatrix is a 7*7 matrix in fact you see that: 我正在用matlab进行遥感过程,我想对LandSatTM图像进行分类,这张照片有7个波段,为2048 * 2048,所以我将它们存储在3个二维2048 * 2048 * 7矩阵中,此功能意味着一个7先前在名为ExtractStatisticalParameters和VarianceCovarianceMatrix的函数中使用该类的样本计算出的* 1矩阵实际上是一个7 * 7的矩阵,您会看到:

ellipsoid = (pixel-means)'*(VarianceCovarianceMatrix^(-1))*(pixel-means);  

is the equation of an ellipsoid.My problem is that each time you can pass a single pixel(it is a 7*1 vector where each row is the value of the pixel in a seperated band) to this function so I need to write a loop like this: 我的问题是每次可以传递单个像素(它是7 * 1向量,其中每一行是分隔带中像素的值)时,我需要编写一个像这样循环:

for k1=1:2048  
   for k2=1:2048  
      Out = DecideIfAPixelIsWithinAnEllipsoidalClass(pixel,means,VarianceCovarianceMatrix);  

and you know it will take alot of time and energy of the system.Can you suggest me a way to reduce the pressure applied on the systam? 而且您知道这将花费大量时间和精力。您能为我提供一种减轻系统压力的方法吗?

No need for loops! 无需循环!

pMinusMean = bsxfun( @minus, reshape( image, [], 7 ), means' ); %//' subtract means from all pixes
iCv = inv( arianceCovarianceMatrix );
ell = sum( (pMinusMean * iCv ) .* pminusMean, 2 ); % note the .* the second time!
Out = reshape( ell <= 1, size(image(:,:,1)) ); % out is 2048-by-2048 logical image

Update: 更新:

After a (somewhat heated) debate in the comments below I add a correction made by Rody Oldenhuis : 经过下面的评论(有点激烈)辩论之后,我添加了Rody Oldenhuis做出的更正

pMinusMean = bsxfun( @minus, reshape( image, [], 7 ), means' ); %//' subtract means from all pixes
ell = sum( (pMinusMean / varianceCovarianceMatrix ) .* pminusMean, 2 ); % note the .* the second time!
Out = reshape( ell <= 1, size(image(:,:,1)) );

The key issue in this change is that Matlab's inv() is poorly implemented and it is best to use mldivide and mrdivide (operators / and \\ ) instead. 此更改的关键问题是Matlab的inv()实现不佳, 最好改用mldividemrdivide (运算符/\\ )。

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