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[英]Getting World Coordinates with mouse in pygame

I am having trouble updating the mouse position and checking for entity collisions (between the mouse and entity) due to my level scrolling. 由于我的级别滚动,我无法更新鼠标位置并检查实体碰撞(鼠标和实体之间)。 I have used the camera function from this question: How to add scrolling to platformer in pygame 我已经使用了这个问题的相机功能: 如何在pygame中添加滚动到平台游戏

I have tried to use the camera function on the mouse like this: 我试过在鼠标上使用相机功能,如下所示:

def update(self, target, target_type, mouse):
        if target_type != "mouse":
            self.state = self.camera_func(self.state, target.rect)
            new_pos = self.camera_func(mouse.rect, target.rect)
            mouse.update((new_pos[0], new_pos[1]))
            print mouse.rect

but the mouse.rect is consistently set to 608, 0 . 但mouse.rect始终设定为608, 0 Can someone help me with this? 有人可以帮我弄这个吗? The mouse class looks like this: 鼠标类如下所示:

class Mouse(Entity):

    def __init__(self, pos):
        self.x = pos[0]
        self.y = pos[1]
        self.rect = Rect(pos[0], pos[1], 32, 32)

    def update(self, pos, check=False):
        self.x = pos[0]
        self.y = pos[1]
        self.rect.top = pos[1]
        self.rect.left = pos[0]

        if check:
            print "Mouse Pos: %s" %(self.rect)
            print self.x, self.y

Everytime I click the screen, and pass it through a collision test, it always uses the point on the screen, however I need the point on the map (if that makes sense). 每次我点击屏幕,并通过碰撞测试,它总是使用屏幕上的点,但我需要地图上的点(如果这是有道理的)。 For example, the screen size is 640x640 . 例如,屏幕尺寸为640x640 If I click in the top left corner, the mouse position will always be 0,0 however, the actual map coordinates may 320,180 in the top corner of the screen. 如果我单击左上角,鼠标位置将始终为0,0但是,屏幕320,180的实际地图坐标可能为320,180 I have attempted to update everything with the camera and the mouse, and the only real results are when I apply the camera.update function to the mouse, but this stop the player being the cause of the scrolling, so I therefore attempted to update the mouse.rect with this function. 我试图使用相机和鼠标更新所有内容,唯一真正的结果是当我将camera.update函数应用于鼠标时,但这会阻止播放器成为滚动的原因,因此我尝试更新mouse.rect使用此功能。

Attempted code: 试图代码:

    mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
    mouse_offset = camera.apply(mouse)
    pos = mouse_pos[0] + mouse_offset.left, mouse_pos[1] + mouse_offset.top
    if hit_block:
        print "Mouse Screen Pos: ", mouse_pos
        print "Mouse Pos With Offset: ", pos
        print "Mouse Offset: ", mouse_offset

When you read the mouse that's screen coordinates . 当你读取鼠标的屏幕坐标时 Since you're scrolling, you need world coordinates to check the collisions. 由于您正在滚动,因此需要使用世界坐标来检查碰撞。

Your render loop simplifies to 渲染循环简化为

# draw: x+offset
for e in self.entities:
    screen.draw(e.sprite, e.rect.move(offset))

which is the same as draw( world_to_screen( e.rect )) 这与draw( world_to_screen( e.rect ))相同draw( world_to_screen( e.rect ))

Your click would be collidepoint( screen_to_world( pos )) 你的点击将是collidepoint( screen_to_world( pos ))

# mouseclick
pos = event.pos[0] + offset.left, event.pos[1] + offset.top
for e in self.entities:
    if e.collidepoint(pos):
        print("click:", pos)

The camera calculates the screen coordinate by a given world coordinate. 相机按给定的世界坐标计算屏幕坐标。

Since the mouse position is already a screen coordinate, if you want to get the tile under the mouse, you have to substract the offset, not add it. 由于鼠标位置已经是屏幕坐标,如果要获取鼠标下的图块,则必须减去偏移量, 而不是添加它。

You can add the following method to the Camera class: 您可以将以下方法添加到Camera类:

def reverse(self, pos):
    """Gets the world coordinates by screen coordinates"""
    return (pos[0] - self.state.left, pos[1] - self.state.top)

and use it like this: 并像这样使用它:

    mouse_pos = camera.reverse(pygame.mouse.get_pos())
    if hit_block:

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