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[英]Fast sampling from Truncated Normal Distribution using Rcpp and openMP


I tried to implement Dirk's suggestions. 我试图实施德克的建议。 Comments? 评论? I am busy right now at JSM, but I'd like to get some feedback before knitting an Rmd for the gallery. 我现在正忙于JSM,但我想在为画廊编织Rmd之前得到一些反馈。 I switched back from Armadillo to normal Rcpp, as it didn't add any value. 我从犰狳换回正常的Rcpp,因为它没有增加任何价值。 Scalar versions with R:: are quite nice. 带有R ::的标量版本非常好。 I should maybe put in a parameter n for the number of draws if mean/sd are entered as scalar, not as vectors of the desired output length. 如果将mean / sd作为标量输入,而不是作为所需输出长度的向量,我应该在参数n中输入绘制数量。

There are lots of MCMC application that require drawing samples from truncated Normal distributions. 有许多MCMC应用程序需要从截断的Normal分布中绘制样本。 I built on an existing implementation of the TN and added parallel computation to it. 我建立在TN的现有实现上并添加了并行计算。

Issues: 问题:

  1. Does anyone see further potential speed improvements? 有没有人看到进一步的速度提升? In the last case from the benchmark, rtruncnorm is sometimes faster. 在基准测试的最后一种情况下,rtruncnorm有时会更快。 The Rcpp implementation is always faster than existing packages, but can it be improved even further? Rcpp实现总是比现有的包更快,但是可以进一步改进吗?
  2. I ran it within a complex model I can't share, and my R session crashed. 我在一个我无法分享的复杂模型中运行它,我的R会话崩溃了。 However, I cannot systematically reproduce it, so it could have been another part of the code. 但是,我不能系统地重现它,所以它可能是代码的另一部分。 If someone is working with the TN, please test it and let me know. 如果有人在TN工作,请测试并告诉我。 Update: I haven't had issues with the updated code, but let me know. 更新:我没有更新代码的问题,但请告诉我。

How I put things together: To my knowledge, the fastest implementation is not on CRAN, but the source code can be downloaded OSU stat . 我如何把事情放在一起:据我所知,最快的实现不在CRAN上,但源代码可以下载OSU stat Competing implementations in msm and truncorm were slower in my benchmarks. 在我的基准测试中, msmtrunco​​rm中的竞争实现较慢。 The trick is to efficiently adjust proposal distributions, where the Exponential works nicely for the tails of the truncated Normal. 诀窍是有效地调整提案分布,其中指数很好地适用于截断的Normal的尾部。 So I took Chris' code, "Rcpp'ed" it and added some openMP spice to it. 所以我拿了Chris的代码,“Rcpp'ed”它并添加了一些openMP香料。 The dynamic schedule is optimal here, as sampling can take more or less time depending on the boundaries. 动态调度在这里是最佳的,因为取样可以根据边界花费更多或更少的时间。 One thing I found nasty: lots of the statistical distributions are based on the NumericVector type, when I wanted to work with doubles. 我发现一件令人讨厌的事情:当我想使用双打时,许多统计分布基于NumericVector类型。 I just coded my way around that. 我只是编写了我的方式。

Heres the Rcpp code: 继承人Rcpp代码:

#include <Rcpp.h>
#include <omp.h>

// norm_rs(a, b)
// generates a sample from a N(0,1) RV restricted to be in the interval
// (a,b) via rejection sampling.
// ======================================================================

// [[Rcpp::export]]

double norm_rs(double a, double b)
   double  x;
   x = Rf_rnorm(0.0, 1.0);
   while( (x < a) || (x > b) ) x = norm_rand();
   return x;

// half_norm_rs(a, b)
// generates a sample from a N(0,1) RV restricted to the interval
// (a,b) (with a > 0) using half normal rejection sampling.
// ======================================================================

// [[Rcpp::export]]

double half_norm_rs(double a, double b)
   double   x;
   x = fabs(norm_rand());
   while( (x<a) || (x>b) ) x = fabs(norm_rand());
   return x;

// unif_rs(a, b)
// generates a sample from a N(0,1) RV restricted to the interval
// (a,b) using uniform rejection sampling. 
// ======================================================================

// [[Rcpp::export]]

double unif_rs(double a, double b)
   double xstar, logphixstar, x, logu;

   // Find the argmax (b is always >= 0)
   // This works because we want to sample from N(0,1)
   if(a <= 0.0) xstar = 0.0;
   else xstar = a;
   logphixstar = R::dnorm(xstar, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);

   x = R::runif(a, b);
   logu = log(R::runif(0.0, 1.0));
   while( logu > (R::dnorm(x, 0.0, 1.0,1.0) - logphixstar))
      x = R::runif(a, b);
      logu = log(R::runif(0.0, 1.0));
   return x;

// exp_rs(a, b)
// generates a sample from a N(0,1) RV restricted to the interval
// (a,b) using exponential rejection sampling.
// ======================================================================

// [[Rcpp::export]]

double exp_rs(double a, double b)
  double  z, u, rate;

//  Rprintf("in exp_rs");
  rate = 1/a;

   // Generate a proposal on (0, b-a)
   z = R::rexp(rate);
   while(z > (b-a)) z = R::rexp(rate);
   u = R::runif(0.0, 1.0);

   while( log(u) > (-0.5*z*z))
      z = R::rexp(rate);
      while(z > (b-a)) z = R::rexp(rate);
      u = R::runif(0.0,1.0);

// rnorm_trunc( mu, sigma, lower, upper)
// generates one random normal RVs with mean 'mu' and standard
// deviation 'sigma', truncated to the interval (lower,upper), where
// lower can be -Inf and upper can be Inf.

// [[Rcpp::export]]
double rnorm_trunc (double mu, double sigma, double lower, double upper)
int change;
 double a, b;
 double logt1 = log(0.150), logt2 = log(2.18), t3 = 0.725;
 double z, tmp, lograt;

 change = 0;
 a = (lower - mu)/sigma;
 b = (upper - mu)/sigma;

 // First scenario
 if( (a == R_NegInf) || (b == R_PosInf))
     if(a == R_NegInf)
     change = 1;
     a = -b;
     b = R_PosInf;

     // The two possibilities for this scenario
     if(a <= 0.45) z = norm_rs(a, b);
     else z = exp_rs(a, b);
     if(change) z = -z;
 // Second scenario
 else if((a * b) <= 0.0)
     // The two possibilities for this scenario
     if((R::dnorm(a, 0.0, 1.0,1.0) <= logt1) || (R::dnorm(b, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) <= logt1))
     z = norm_rs(a, b);
     else z = unif_rs(a,b);
 // Third scenario
     if(b < 0)
     tmp = b; b = -a; a = -tmp; change = 1;

     lograt = R::dnorm(a, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) - R::dnorm(b, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
     if(lograt <= logt2) z = unif_rs(a,b);
     else if((lograt > logt1) && (a < t3)) z = half_norm_rs(a,b);
     else z = exp_rs(a,b);
     if(change) z = -z;
   double output;
   output = sigma*z + mu;
 return (output);

// rtnm( mu, sigma, lower, upper, cores)
// generates one random normal RVs with mean 'mu' and standard
// deviation 'sigma', truncated to the interval (lower,upper), where
// lower can be -Inf and upper can be Inf.
// mu, sigma, lower, upper are vectors, and vectorized calls of this function
// speed up computation
// cores is an intege, representing the number of cores to be used in parallel

// [[Rcpp::export]]

Rcpp::NumericVector rtnm(Rcpp::NumericVector mus, Rcpp::NumericVector sigmas, Rcpp::NumericVector lower, Rcpp::NumericVector upper, int cores){
  int nobs = mus.size();
  Rcpp::NumericVector out(nobs);
  double logt1 = log(0.150), logt2 = log(2.18), t3 = 0.725;
    double a,b, z, tmp, lograt;

     int  change;

  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)   
  for(int i=0;i<nobs;i++) {  

     a = (lower(i) - mus(i))/sigmas(i);
     b = (upper(i) - mus(i))/sigmas(i);
     // First scenario
     if( (a == R_NegInf) || (b == R_PosInf))
         if(a == R_NegInf)
              change = 1;
              a = -b;
              b = R_PosInf;

         // The two possibilities for this scenario
         if(a <= 0.45) z = norm_rs(a, b);
         else z = exp_rs(a, b);
         if(change) z = -z;
     // Second scenario
     else if((a * b) <= 0.0)
         // The two possibilities for this scenario
         if((R::dnorm(a, 0.0, 1.0,1.0) <= logt1) || (R::dnorm(b, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) <= logt1))
                z = norm_rs(a, b);
         else z = unif_rs(a,b);

     // Third scenario
         if(b < 0)
                tmp = b; b = -a; a = -tmp; change = 1;

         lograt = R::dnorm(a, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) - R::dnorm(b, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
         if(lograt <= logt2) z = unif_rs(a,b);
         else if((lograt > logt1) && (a < t3)) z = half_norm_rs(a,b);
         else z = exp_rs(a,b);
         if(change) z = -z;
    out(i)=sigmas(i)*z + mus(i);          


And here is the benchmark: 以下是基准:

if( sum(!(libs %in% .packages(all.available = TRUE)))>0){ install.packages(libs[!(libs %in% .packages(all.available = TRUE))])}
for(i in 1:length(libs)) {library(libs[i],character.only = TRUE,quietly=TRUE)}

#needed for openMP parallel

#no of cores for openMP version
cores = 4

#surce code from same dir

#sample size

bb= 100
benchmark( rtnm(rep(0,nn),rep(1,nn),rep(aa,nn),rep(100,nn),cores), rtnm(rep(0,nn),rep(1,nn),rep(aa,nn),rep(100,nn),1),rtnorm(nn,rep(0,nn),rep(1,nn),rep(aa,nn),rep(100,nn)),rtruncnorm(nn, a=aa, b=100, mean = 0, sd = 1) , order="relative", replications=3    )[,1:4]

benchmark( rtnm(rep(0,nn),rep(1,nn),rep(aa,nn),rep(100,nn),cores), rtnm(rep(0,nn),rep(1,nn),rep(aa,nn),rep(100,nn),1),rtnorm(nn,rep(0,nn),rep(1,nn),rep(aa,nn),rep(100,nn)),rtruncnorm(nn, a=aa, b=100, mean = 0, sd = 1) , order="relative", replications=3    )[,1:4]

benchmark( rtnm(rep(0,nn),rep(1,nn),rep(aa,nn),rep(100,nn),cores), rtnm(rep(0,nn),rep(1,nn),rep(aa,nn),rep(100,nn),1),rtnorm(nn,rep(0,nn),rep(1,nn),rep(aa,nn),rep(100,nn)),rtruncnorm(nn, a=aa, b=100, mean = 0, sd = 1) , order="relative", replications=3    )[,1:4]

benchmark( rtnm(rep(0,nn),rep(1,nn),rep(aa,nn),rep(100,nn),cores), rtnm(rep(0,nn),rep(1,nn),rep(aa,nn),rep(100,nn),1),rtnorm(nn,rep(0,nn),rep(1,nn),rep(aa,nn),rep(100,nn)),rtruncnorm(nn, a=aa, b=100, mean = 0, sd = 1) , order="relative", replications=3    )[,1:4]

Several benchmark runs are necessary as the speed depends on the upper/lower boundaries. 由于速度取决于上/下边界,因此需要进行几次基准测试。 For different cases, different parts of the algorithm kick in. 对于不同的情况,算法的不同部分启动。

Really quick comments: 真的很快评论:

  1. if you include RcppArmadillo.h you do not need to include Rcpp.h -- in fact, you should not and we even test that 如果你包括RcppArmadillo.h你不需要包括Rcpp.h - 事实上,你不应该,我们甚至测试

  2. rep(oneDraw, n) makes n calls. rep(oneDraw, n)进行n次调用。 I would write a function to be called once that returns you n draws -- it will be faster as you save yourself n-1 function call overheads 我会编写一个函数来调用一次返回你的绘制 - 它会更快,因为你节省了自己n-1函数调用开销

  3. Your comment on lots of the statistical distributions are based on the NumericVector type, when I wanted to work with doubles may reveal some misunderstanding: NumericVector is our convenient proxy class for internal R types: no copies. 您对许多统计分布的评论基于NumericVector类型,当我想使用双精度时可能会发现一些误解: NumericVector是我们内部R类型的方便代理类:无副本。 You are free to use std::vector<double> or whichever form you prefer. 您可以自由使用std::vector<double>或您喜欢的任何形式。

  4. I know little about truncated normals so I cannot comment on the specifics of your algorithms. 我对截断的法线知之甚少,所以我无法评论你的算法的具体细节。

  5. Once you have it worked out consider a post for the Rcpp Gallery . 一旦你完成它,考虑一下Rcpp Gallery的帖子。

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