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[英]GLSL fragment shader struct out

i have a problem with my GLSL shader. 我的GLSL着色器有问题。 When i want to compile the fragment shader part, i get the following error: 当我要编译片段着色器部分时,出现以下错误:

0:24: error(#181) Cannot be used with a structure: out
error(#273) 1 compilation errors. No code generated

So the problem lies around my out variable, i assume. 因此,问题就在于我的out变量。 Here is my fragment shader: 这是我的片段着色器:

#version 410

uniform mat4 gWVP;
uniform mat4 gWorld;

uniform sampler2D gColorMap;                

in VSOutput
    vec3 WorldSpacePos;
    vec2 TexCoord;
    vec3 Normal;  
} FSin;

struct FSOutput
    vec3 WorldSpacePos;    
    vec3 Diffuse;     
    vec3 Normal;      
    vec3 TexCoord;

out FSOutput FSOut;

void main()
    FSOut.WorldSpacePos = FSin.WorldSpacePos;                   
    FSOut.Diffuse      = texture(gColorMap, FSin.TexCoord).xyz; 
    FSOut.Normal       = normalize(FSin.Normal);                    
    FSOut.TexCoord     = vec3(FSin.TexCoord, 0.0);              

As i know it should be possible to output structs in OpenGL 4.0+, shouldn't it? 据我所知,应该可以在OpenGL 4.0+中输出结构,不是吗? So I dont get the error, is it a driver problem or something like that? 所以我没有得到错误,是驱动程序问题还是类似的问题? I'm running on a Radeon HD 6950 with 13.4 drivers. 我在具有13.4驱动程序的Radeon HD 6950上运行。

As i know it should be possible to output structs in OpenGL 4.0+, shouldn't it? 据我所知,应该可以在OpenGL 4.0+中输出结构,不是吗?

No, it shouldn't. 不,不应该。

The GLSL specification is quite clear on this: vertex shader inputs and fragment shader outputs cannot be structs. GLSL规范对此很明确:顶点着色器输入和片段着色器输出不能是结构。 From the GLSL 4.4 specification, section 4.3.6: 根据GLSL 4.4规范的第4.3.6节:

Fragment outputs can only be float, single-precision floating-point vectors, signed or unsigned integers or integer vectors, or arrays of any these. 片段输出只能是浮点数,单精度浮点向量,有符号或无符号整数或整数向量或任何这些的数组。 It is a compile-time error to declare any double-precision type, matrix, or structure as an output. 将任何双精度类型,矩阵或结构声明为输出是编译时错误。

They also can't be aggregated into interface blocks , in case you're wondering. 如果您想知道的话,也不能将它们聚合到接口块中。 They must be loose variables. 它们必须是宽松的变量。

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