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可视化 OpenCV 关键点

[英]Visualizing OpenCV KeyPoints

I am learning OpenCV and at the moment I am trying to understand the underlying data stored in a KeyPoint so that I can better utilize that data for an application I'm working on.我正在学习 OpenCV,目前我正在尝试了解存储在KeyPoint的基础数据,以便我可以更好地将这些数据用于我正在处理的应用程序。

So far I have been going through these two pages:到目前为止,我一直在浏览这两页:

http://docs.opencv.org/modules/features2d/doc/common_interfaces_of_feature_detectors.html?highlight=featuredetector#FeatureDetector http://docs.opencv.org/modules/features2d/doc/common_interfaces_of_feature_detectors.html?highlight=featuredetector#FeatureDetector

http://docs.opencv.org/doc/tutorials/features2d/feature_detection/feature_detection.html http://docs.opencv.org/doc/tutorials/features2d/feature_detection/feature_detection.html

When I follow the tutorial, however, using drawKeypoints() , the points are all the same size and shape, and are drawn with a seemingly arbitrary color.但是,当我按照教程使用drawKeypoints() ,这些点的大小和形状都相同,并且使用看似任意的颜色绘制。

I guess I could iterate through the attributes for each key point: draw a circle, draw an arrow (for the angle), give it a color based on the response, etc. But I figured there had to be a better way.我想我可以遍历每个关键点的属性:画一个圆圈,画一个箭头(用于角度),根据响应给它一个颜色,等等。但我认为必须有更好的方法。

Is there a built-in method or other approach similar to drawKeypoints() that will help me more efficiently visualize the KeyPoints of an image?是否有一个内置的方法或其他方法类似drawKeypoints()这将帮助我更有效地可视化的KeyPoints的图像?

Yes, there is the method to perform your task.是的,有执行任务的方法。 As says in documentation正如文档中所说

For each keypoint the circle around keypoint with keypoint size and orientation will be drawn对于每个关键点,将绘制关键点周围具有关键点大小和方向的圆圈

If you are using Java, you can simply specify the type of keypoints:如果您使用的是 Java,您可以简单地指定关键点的类型:

Features2d.drawKeypoints(image1, keypoints1, imageOut2,new Scalar(2,254,255),Features2d.DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS);

In C++:在 C++ 中:

drawKeypoints( img_1, keypoints_1, img_keypoints_1, Scalar::all(-1), DrawMatchesFlags::DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS );

I had a similair problem and wanted to customize the points that are drawn, decided to share my solution because I wanted to alter the shape of the points drawn.我有一个类似的问题,想自定义绘制的点,决定分享我的解决方案,因为我想改变绘制的点的形状。

You can alter the line with cv2.circle with what you want.您可以根据需要更改 cv2.circle 的行。 im is the input image you want the points to be drawn in, keyp are the keypoints you want to draw, col is the line color, th is the thickness of the circle edge. im 是要绘制点的输入图像,keyp 是要绘制的关键点,col 是线条颜色,th 是圆边缘的粗细。

import cv2
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def drawKeyPts(im,keyp,col,th):
    for curKey in keyp:
        size = np.int(curKey.size)
        cv2.circle(im,(x,y),size, col,thickness=th, lineType=8, shift=0) 
    return im    

imWithCircles = drawKeyPts(origIm.copy(),keypoints,(0,255,0),5)

You can iterate through the vector of keypoints that you detect and draw (for example) a circle on every KeyPoint.pt having radius analogous to KeyPoint.size and color with respect to KeyPoint.response .. This is of course just an example;您可以遍历检测到的关键点向量,并在每个KeyPoint.pt上绘制(例如)一个圆,其半径类似于KeyPoint.size和相对于KeyPoint.response 的颜色。这当然只是一个示例; you could write more complicated drawing functions based on the octave and angle of the KeyPoint (if your detector gives that output)..您可以根据 KeyPoint 的倍频程和角度编写更复杂的绘图函数(如果您的检测器提供该输出)。

Hope this helps.希望这可以帮助。

hello it is my code @Alex你好,这是我的代码@Alex

def drawKeyPts(im, keyp, col, th):
    draw_shift_bits = 4
    draw_multiplier = 1 << 4
    LINE_AA = 16
    im = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
    for curKey in keyp:
        center = (int(np.round(curKey.pt[0]*draw_multiplier)), int(np.round(curKey.pt[1]*draw_multiplier)))
        radius = int(np.round(curKey.size/2*draw_multiplier))
        cv2.circle(im, center, radius, col, thickness=th, lineType=LINE_AA, shift=draw_shift_bits)
        if(curKey.angle != -1):
            srcAngleRad = (curKey.angle * np.pi/180.0)
            orient = (int(np.round(np.cos(srcAngleRad)*radius)), int(np.round(np.sin(srcAngleRad)*radius)))
            cv2.line(im, center, (center[0]+orient[0], center[1]+orient[1]), col, 1, LINE_AA, draw_shift_bits)
    cv2.imshow('name1', im)
    return im

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