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提交iOS应用,xcode 3.2 vs 4.2

[英]Submit iOS app, xcode 3.2 vs 4.2

Have recently completed developed on an app. 最近完成了在一个应用程序上的开发。 It started a few years ago. 它始于几年前。 Had it on an older iOS version running Xcode 3.2. 在运行Xcode 3.2的旧iOS版本上安装过。

Had to upgrade to Mavericks in order to try and submit to the app store (from application launcher). 必须升级到Mavericks才能尝试提交到应用程序商店(从应用程序启动器)。

Have now ended up with an Xcode 3.2 which cant get the simulator to work (asks for an SDK, have tried 3.2, 4.0, 4.1 and 4.2 but no joy). 现在以Xcode 3.2结束,它无法使模拟器正常工作(向SDK提出要求,尝试了3.2、4.0、4.1和4.2,但没有任何乐趣)。 As well as an Xcode 5 which seems to require a lot of changes to my app in order to get it working. Xcode 5似乎需要对我的应用程序进行大量更改才能使其正常运行。

For the Xcode 3.2 version I have done all provisional profile stuff and currently working on getting through the errors that application launcher throws at me. 对于Xcode 3.2版本,我已经完成了所有临时配置文件工作,并且目前正在努力解决应用程序启动器向我抛出的错误。

2 questions. 2个问题。

  1. Is it even possible to upload an app built on an older Xcode 3.2 (and presumably SDK)? 甚至可以上传基于旧版Xcode 3.2(可能是SDK)的应用程序吗?

  2. It is recommended I just move to Xcode 5 any put the hours in to get it working again on here? 建议我花点时间把它移到Xcode 5上,以使其在这里再次工作?

Would really appreciate help. 非常感谢您的帮助。

thanks 谢谢

  1. No, it is not possible. 不,不可能。 Currently apps have to be built using the iOS6 SDK as a minimum, and in February 2014 this will change to the iOS7 SDK and Xcode 5. 目前,必须至少使用iOS6 SDK来构建应用程序,并且在2014年2月,它将更改为iOS7 SDK和Xcode 5。
  2. Yes. 是。 If there are problems with your app then they need to be resolved before submission. 如果您的应用存在问题,则需要在提交前解决它们。 A new app should be built using the latest tools. 应该使用最新工具来构建新应用。 Particularly given the answer to 1, you will have to bite the bullet and make any changes that need making. 特别是给定1的答案,您将不得不硬着头皮进行必要的更改。

I've been down this path for 2.5 years now, migrating up the various versions of XCode, losing simulators for older versions each time (sadly). 我走这条路已经有2.5年了,迁移各种版本的XCode,每次(可悲)都失去了旧版本的模拟器。

But, the upload/keychain handling has gotten much better and the management of launch images, bundle info, etc. a lot easier as well. 但是,上传/钥匙串的处理变得更好了,并且启动图像,捆绑信息等的管理也变得更加容易。 Also, support for older versions of the OS is difficult with deprecated features. 此外,使用过时的功能很难支持操作系统的较早版本。

So, in general, my advice, is that as time moves on, so should your tools. 因此,总的来说,我的建议是随着时间的流逝,您的工具也应随之而来。 Upgrade to XCode 5, bite the bullet, take the hit, and get your stuff out. 升级到XCode 5,咬紧牙关,大吃一惊,拿出你的东西。

Starting on February 2014, Apple will require all submitted apps to be iOS 7 compatible. 从2014年2月开始,Apple将要求所有提交的应用程序都必须与iOS 7兼容。 Just a tiny part of iOS users are still running iOS 4.x, so it's highly advised you'd update your app to be at least iOS 6 compatible (but since you're gonna have work to do, why not make it up to iOS 7 anyway?) 仅有一小部分iOS用户仍在运行iOS 4.x,因此强烈建议您更新您的应用程序,使其至少与iOS 6兼容(但是由于您有工作要做,为什么不补充一下?还是iOS 7?)

On February 2014 iOS app will made the minimum iOS 6 compatible. 2014年2月,iOS应用将使最低的iOS 6兼容。

Before this You can upload the app for ios 7 and your are making the app in old Xcode as 4.2. 在此之前,您可以上传适用于ios 7的应用程序,并且您正在使用旧的Xcode 4.2版制作该应用程序。

For making iOS 7 compatible if you will be add 为了使iOS 7兼容(如果要添加)

App icon-60.png and icon-60@2x.png. 应用程序icon-60.png和icon-60@2x.png。 in your Xcode app 在您的Xcode应用中

It will be work your old Xcode 4.2 and it will be become compatible of iOS 7 and iOS 6 它可以在您旧的Xcode 4.2上正常运行,并且将与iOS 7和iOS 6兼容

Other wise you will be download new Xcode 5 to make app for iOS 7 compatible. 否则,您将下载新的Xcode 5以使适用于iOS 7的应用程序兼容。

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