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[英]how to multiply 2 large numbers?

i created a small console app that multiply 2 long int number. 我创建了一个小型控制台应用程序,该应用程序将2长整型数相乘。 i don't know where my problem is. 我不知道我的问题在哪里。 this app work fine until the number of digits is 3. 这个应用程式可以正常运作,直到位数为3。

but if number of digit was bigger than 3 , the app's output is wrong. 但是如果数字位数大于3,则应用程序的输出错误。 :( :(

please show me where my problem is that i solve it. 请告诉我我的问题在哪里,我可以解决它。

here is my code: 这是我的代码:

int digits (int n)
    int counter = 0;
    while (n > 0)
    return counter;

long longMultiply(long a, long b)
    const int S = 3;
    int w,x,y,z;
    int n = max(digits(a),digits(b));

    if(a == 0 || b ==0) {
        return 0;
    } else if (n <= S) {
        return a*b;
    } else {
        int m = (n/2);

        //first number
        x = a/(10^m);
        y = a%(10^m);

        //second number
        w = b/(10^m);
        z = b%(10^m);

        return (longMultiply(x,w)*(10^(2*m)) + (longMultiply(x,z) + longMultiply(w,y)))*(10^m) + longMultiply(y,z) ;


int main() {
    cout << longMultiply(100,100);
    return 0;

10^m is not the m-th power of 10, in fact this is 10 xor'ed by m 10 ^ m不是10的第m次幂,实际上这是m的10异或

You can use the pow function from cmath library instead ( http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cmath/pow/ ), but it works on floating-point numbers. 您可以改用cmath库中的pow函数( http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cmath/pow/ ),但是它适用于浮点数。

Alternatively to get 10^m, you could simply multiply 1 m times by 10. 另外,要获得10 ^ m,您可以将1 m乘以10。

int m = (n/2);
long tenToM = 1;
for (int i=0; i<m; i++)
    tenToM *= 10;
long tenToTwoM = tenToM * tenToM;

and then instead of 10^m use tenToM and instead of 10^(2*m) use tenToTwoM 然后代替10^m使用tenToM和代替10^(2*m)使用tenToTwoM

It seems like your problem is in the logic of the else portion. 看来您的问题出在else部分的逻辑上。 It works up to 3 digits because it is simply outputting the product when that fails it runs your else block which I am not sure I understand. 它最多可以显示3位数字,因为它在失败时仅输出产品,因此运行您的else块,我不确定我是否理解。 What exactly is setting m = n/2 trying to do? 设置m = n/2到底要做什么?

If the product is less than or equal to 10 ^ 18 ; 如果乘积小于或等于10 ^ 18; you can simply use 你可以简单地使用

  long long product = a * b ;

If a or b are greater than the range of long long ; 如果a或b大于long long的范围; one can simply take one as long long and another as string . 一个人可以简单地取一个长而另一个长的字符串。 Suppose a > 10^18 and b < 10^18 . 假设a> 10 ^ 18和b <10 ^ 18。 The below code is valid only when b * 9 is in the range of long long . 仅当b * 9在long long范围内时,以下代码才有效。

       string a ; long long b ;
       cin >> a >> b ;
       reverse ( a.begin() , a.end() ) ;
       string prod ;
       long long temp ,carry ;
        temp = carry = 0 ;
       for ( i = 0 ; i < a.length() ; i++ ){
          temp =  (a[i] - '0') * b + carry ;
          prod += ( temp % 10 ) + '0' ;
          carry = temp / 10  ;

        while ( carry != 0 ){
        prod += ( carry % 10 ) + '0' ;
        carry /= 10 ;
        reverse ( prod.begin() , prod.end() ) ;
        cout << prod ; // this string contains the required product .

However if both are very big you can consider using a third party Big Integer Library. 但是,如果两者都很大,则可以考虑使用第三方的Big Integer Library。 For external Big Integer Library you can consider using BOOST BigInteger Library , which is quite fast and highly tested. 对于外部Big Integer库,您可以考虑使用BOOST BigInteger库,该库非常快速且经过了严格的测试。

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