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[英]I don't understand R's predict

I created a pair of models from my dataset (800 rows, 2 colums): 我从数据集中创建了一对模型(800行,2列):

m1=lm(A~A1, fish)
mmars1=polymars(fish$A, fish)
bestm1=loess.smooth(fish$A1, fish$A, span=best)
bestm2=smooth.spline(fish$A1,fish$A, spar=best)

and then i tried to predict an y using a new x: 然后我尝试使用新的x来预测y:

predict(m1, data.frame(xl=c(100000)))
predict(mmars1, data.frame(xm=c(100000)))
predict(bestm1, data.frame(xb1=c(100000)))
predict(bestm2, data.frame(xb2=c(100000)))

#4 works fine, but i have problems with the other 3. #1 and #2 return 800 values instead of 1. #3 gives me this error. #4正常工作,但其他3却有问题。#1和#2返回800个值,而不是1。#3给了我这个错误。

Error in UseMethod("predict") : no applicable method for 'predict' applied to an object of class "list" UseMethod(“ predict”)中的错误:没有适用于“预测”的适用方法应用于“列表”类的对象

What am i doing wrong with #1 and #2? #1和#2我在做什么错? Is there an alternative way to use the predict() method with loess.smooth ? 是否有另一种方法可以将loess.smoothpredict()方法一起loess.smooth

When using predict your variables must have the same name they had when calling lm . 使用predict变量必须具有与调用lm时相同的名称。 In #1, you use lm with variable name A1 but then use predict with variable name xl . 在#1中,您将lm与变量名A1使用,然后将predict与变量名xl The predict function doesn't understand your new data. predict功能无法理解您的新数据。 Imagine what would happen with several independent variables...you need to stick to their names. 想象一下几个独立变量会发生什么……您需要坚持使用它们的名称。

Use predict(m1, list(A1=100000)) instead. 请改用predict(m1, list(A1=100000))

As to #2, I've never used package polspline before, but it seems that your call to polymars is wrong. 关于#2,我以前从未使用过polspline软件包,但是看来您对polymars的调用是错误的。 The second argument must be the predictors, and as of now you include the response as a predictor because you give the full data.frame. 第二个参数必须是预测变量,到目前为止,因为您提供了完整的data.frame,所以您将响应包含在预测变量中。 So you should do: 因此,您应该执行以下操作:

mmars1 <- polymars(fish$A, fish$A1)
predict(mmars1, fish$A1)

Same for #3. 与#3相同。 It seems that loess.smooth already gives you the fitted points. 看来loess.smooth已经为您提供合适的点。 You can use the evaluation parameter to tell how many points along your predictor you want to fit: 您可以使用evaluation参数来告诉您要拟合预测变量的多少点:

bestm1 <- loess.smooth(fish$A1, fish$A, evaluation=50)

will give you a list of 50 points along A1 with the fitted points in A . 会给你沿着50点列表A1与拟合点A Alternatively, you can use loess instead of loess.smooth : 另外,您可以使用loess代替loess.smooth

bestm1 <- loess(A~A1, fish)
predict(bestm1, data.frame(A1=100000))

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