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使用 Python 和 lmfit 拟合复杂模型?

[英]Fitting complex model using Python and lmfit?

I would like to fit ellipsometric data to complex model using LMFit.我想使用 LMFit 将椭圆数据拟合到复杂模型中。 Two measured parameters, psi and delta , are variables in a complex function rho .两个测量参数psidelta是复函数rho中的变量。

I could try with separating problem to real and imaginary part with shared parameters or piecewise approach, but is there any way to do it directly with complex function?我可以尝试使用共享参数分段方法将问题分离为实部和虚部,但是有没有办法直接使用复杂函数来做到这一点? Fitting only real part of function works beautifully, but when I define complex residual function I get:只拟合函数的实部效果很好,但是当我定义复杂的残差函数时,我得到:

TypeError: no ordering relation is defined for complex numbers.类型错误:没有为复数定义排序关系。

Below is my code for real function fitting and my attempt at tackling complex fit problem:下面是我的实际函数拟合代码以及我解决复杂拟合问题的尝试:

    from __future__ import division
    from __future__ import print_function
    import numpy as np
    from pylab import *
    from lmfit import minimize, Parameters, Parameter, report_errors

    #             MODEL

    def r01_p(eps2, th):

        stev= sqrt(eps2) * c - sqrt(1-(s / eps2))
        imen= sqrt(eps2) * c + sqrt(1-(s / eps2))
        return stev/imen

    def r01_s(eps2, th):

        stev= c - sqrt(eps2) * sqrt(1-(s/eps2))
        imen= c + sqrt(eps2) * sqrt(1-(s/eps2))
        return stev/imen

    def rho(eps2, th):
        return r01_p(eps2, th)/r01_s(eps2, th)

    def psi(eps2, th):
        x1=abs(r01_p(eps2, th))
        x2=abs(r01_s(eps2, th))
        return np.arctan2(x1,x2)

    #                   REAL FIT


    # generate data from model  
    var_re=np.random.normal(size=len(th), scale=error)
    data = psi(2,th) + var_re

    # residual function
    def residuals(params, th, data):
        eps2 = params['eps2'].value

        diff = psi(eps2, th) - data
        return diff

    # create a set of Parameters
    params = Parameters()
    params.add('eps2',   value= 1.0,  min=1.5, max=3.0)

    # do fit, here with leastsq model
    result = minimize(residuals, params, args=(th, data),method="leastsq")

    # calculate final result
    final = data + result.residual

    # write error report

    # try to plot results
    th, data, final=rad2deg([th, data, final])
        import pylab
        fig=plot(th, data, 'r o',
                 th, final, 'b')
        xlabel(r'$\theta$ $(^{\circ})$', size=20)
        ylabel(r'$\psi$ $(^{\circ})$',size=20)



    #                   COMPLEX FIT

    # TypeError: no ordering relation is defined for complex numbers

    # data from model with added noise   
    var_re=np.random.normal(size=len(th), scale=error)
    var_im=np.random.normal(size=len(th), scale=error) * 1j

    data = rho(4-1j,th) + var_re + var_im

    # residual function
    def residuals(params, th, data):
        eps2 = params['eps2'].value

        diff = rho(eps2, th) - data
        return np.abs(diff)

    # create a set of Parameters
    params = Parameters()
    params.add('eps2',   value= 1.5+1j,  min=1+1j, max=3+3j)

    # do fit, here with leastsq model
    result = minimize(residuals, params, args=(th, data),method="leastsq")

    # calculate final result
    final = data + result.residual

    # write error report

Edit: I solved problem with separated variables for imaginary and real part.编辑:我解决了虚部和实部分离变量的问题。 Data should be shaped as [[imaginary_data],[real_data]], objective function must return 1D array.数据应为[[imaginary_data],[real_data]],目标函数必须返回一维数组。

def objective(params, th_data, data):
    eps_re  = params['eps_re'].value
    eps_im  = params['eps_im'].value
    d       = params['d'].value

    residual_delta = data[0,:] - delta(eps_re - eps_im*1j, d, frac, lambd, th_data)
    residual_psi   = data[1,:] - psi(eps_re - eps_im*1j, d, frac, lambd, th_data)

    return np.append(residual_delta,residual_psi)

# create a set of Parameters
params = Parameters()
params.add('eps_re',   value= 1.5,  min=1.0,      max=5  )
params.add('eps_im',   value= 1.0,  min=0.0,      max=5  )
params.add('d',        value= 10.0,   min=5.0,    max=100.0   )

# All available methods
# Chosen method

# run the global fit to all the data sets
result = minimize(objective, params, args=(th_data,data),method=metoda))


return ...

The lmfit FAQ suggests simply taking both real and imaginary parts by using numpy.ndarray.view , which means you don't need to go through the separation of the real and imaginary parts manually. lmfit FAQ建议使用numpy.ndarray.view简单地获取实部和虚部,这意味着您不需要手动分离实部和虚部。

def residuals(params, th, data):
    eps2 = params['eps2'].value

    diff = rho(eps2, th) - data
    # The only change required is to use view instead of abs.
    return diff.view()

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