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[英]Shooting in Box2D (LibGDX)

What values should I set to: 'setLinearVelocity(x, y);' 我应该设置什么值:'setLinearVelocity(x,y);' to object body, if I want to shoot it from the center of the player body to the location of my mouse? 如果要从播放器主体的中心射击到鼠标的位置,该怎么做?

I have these variables available: mouseX, mouseY, playerX, playerY. 我有以下可用变量:mouseX,mouseY,playerX,playerY。

float velx = mouseX - playerX;
float vely = mouseY - playerY;
float length = Math.sqrt(velx * velx + vely * vely);
if (length != 0) {
      velx = velx / length;
      vely = vely / length;
float finalVelx = velx * speed;
float finalVely = vely * speed;


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