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[英]How can I determine the type of an argument passed in python

Specifically I want to know which properties are available on myFile in the following code sample: 具体来说,我想知道以下代码示例中myFile上可用的属性:

def upload(self, myFile):
    out = """<html>
        myFile length: %s<br />
        myFile filename: %s<br />
        myFile mime-type: %s

    # Although this just counts the file length, it demonstrates
    # how to read large files in chunks instead of all at once.
    # CherryPy reads the uploaded file into a temporary file;
    # myFile.file.read reads from that.
    size = 0
    while True:
        data = myFile.file.read(8192)
        if not data:
        size += len(data)

    return out % (size, myFile.filename, myFile.content_type)
upload.exposed = True

This is taken from the CherryPy file upload example, and it shows a couple of the properties available in the documentation. 这取自CherryPy文件上载示例,并显示了文档中可用的几个属性。 Namely file , filename , content_type filefilenamecontent_type

But how can I determine all the properties, or better what the actual type is so I can open the source and read the properties? 但是,如何确定所有属性,或者更好地确定实际类型是什么,以便我可以打开源并读取属性?

The type can be obtained with type(myFile) . 可以使用type(myFile)获得type(myFile) You can use inspect module or myFile.__dict__ to see properties. 您可以使用inspect模块或myFile.__dict__来查看属性。

If you want to see the source code, use type(myFile).__module__ to see where it is defined. 如果要查看源代码,请使用type(myFile).__module__查看其定义位置。

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