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[英]How can I instantiate class only if argument passed is string?

I created a class 'Stage' and want instantiate it only if argument passed to init (arg) 我创建了一个'Stage'类,并且仅当将参数传递给init (arg)时才实例化它

#example code

class Stage:
    def __init__(self, arg):
        if type(arg) == str:
            #create object
            #do not create object

# entry = input()

obj = Stage(entry)

if obj:
    print("created")         # if entry is string
    print("not created")     # if entry is float

Raise an exception: 引发异常:

def __init__(self, arg):
    if not isinstance(arg, str):
        raise TypeError("Stage.__init__ called with a non-str value: %r" % (arg,))

    # continue initializing the object

However, consider whether it the value really needs to be a str , or just something that can be turned into a str : 然而,考虑该值是否真的需要一个str ,或只是一些可以变成一个str

def __init__(self, arg):
    arg = str(arg)
    # ...

If you want to avoid creating the instance altogether, you need to override __new__ , not __init__ (with some of the previous advice folded in): 如果要避免完全创建该实例,则需要重写__new__ ,而不要重写__init__ (结合了一些先前的建议):

class Stage:
    def __new__(cls, arg):
            arg = str(arg)
        except ValueError:
            raise TypeError("Could not convert arg to str: %r" % (arg, ))

        return super().__new__(cls, arg)

Check for the type of argument before instantiating your object. 在实例化对象之前检查参数的类型。 Also consider using isinstance to check for a type, instead of type 还考虑使用isinstance检查类型,而不是type

class Stage:
    def __init__(self, arg):

if isinstance(str, entry):
    obj = Stage(entry)
    raise TypeError('A str-type is required as an argument to the constructor')

You cannot initialize an object with that condition, but you can throw an error 您不能使用该条件初始化对象,但是会引发错误

class Stage:
    def __init__(self, arg):
        if not isinstance(arg, str):
            raise TypeError("non-str value: %r was passed, str type argument required " % (arg,))

You can also use a classmethod to create an instance only if the passed value is a string: 您还可以使用classmethod仅在传递的值是字符串的情况下创建实例:

class Stage:
  def __init__(self, val):
    self.val = val
  def stage(cls, arg):
    return None if not isinstance(arg, str) else cls(arg)

s = Stage.stage("name")

Now, s will either be instance of Stage if arg is a string or None if arg is any other type. 现在,如果arg是字符串,则s将是Stage实例;如果arg是任何其他类型,则s将是None

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