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[英]Replicating the example of Markov Switching Model of Hamilton using MSwM package in R

I'm trying to estimate the basic Markov Switching Model of Hamilton (1989) as is post in E-views webpage . 我试图估计汉密尔顿(1989)的基本马尔可夫转换模型,如电子观点网页中的帖子。 This model is itself is an exact replication of the existing in RATS. 该模型本身就是RATS中现有的精确复制。

This is the time series of the example: 这是示例的时间序列:

gnp <- 
structure(c(2.59316410021381, 2.20217123302681, 0.458275619103479, 
0.968743815568942, -0.241307564718414, 0.896474791426144, 2.05393216767198, 
1.73353647046698, 0.938712869506845, -0.464778333117193, -0.809834082445603, 
-1.39763692441103, -0.398860927649558, 1.1918415768741, 1.4562004729396, 
2.1180822079447, 1.08957867423914, 1.32390272784813, 0.87296368144358, 
-0.197732729861307, 0.45420214345009, 0.0722187603196887, 1.10303634435563, 
0.820974907499614, -0.0579579499110212, 0.584477722838197, -1.56192668045796, 
-2.05041027007508, 0.536371845140342, 2.3367684244086, 2.34014568267516, 
1.23392627573662, 1.88696478737248, -0.459207909351867, 0.84940472194713, 
1.70139850766727, -0.287563102546191, 0.095946277449187, -0.860802907461483, 
1.03447124467041, 1.23685943797014, 1.42004498680119, 2.22410642769683, 
1.3021017302965, 1.0351769691057, 0.925342521818, -0.165599507925585, 
1.3444381723048, 1.37500136316918, 1.73222186043569, 0.716056342342333, 
2.21032138350616, 0.853330335823775, 1.00238777849592, 0.427254413549543, 
2.14368353713136, 1.4378918561536, 1.5795993028646, 2.27469837381376, 
1.95962653201067, 0.2599239932111, 1.01946919515563, 0.490163994319276, 
0.563633789161385, 0.595954621290765, 1.43082852218349, 0.562301244017229, 
1.15388388887095, 1.68722847001462, 0.774382052478202, -0.0964704476805431, 
1.39600141863966, 0.136467982223878, 0.552237133917267, -0.399448716111952, 
-0.61671104590512, -0.0872256083215416, 1.21018349098461, -0.907297546921259, 
2.64916154469762, -0.00806939681695959, 0.511118931407946, -0.00401437145032572, 
2.1682142321342, 1.92586729194597, 1.03504719187207, 1.85897218652101, 
2.32004929969819, 0.255707901889092, -0.0985527428151145, 0.890736834018326, 
-0.55896483237131, 0.283502534230679, -1.31155410054958, -0.882787789285689, 
-1.97454945511993, 1.01275266533046, 1.68264718400186, 1.38271278970291, 
1.86073641586006, 0.444737715592073, 0.414490009766608, 0.992022769383933, 
1.36283572253682, 1.59970527327726, 1.98845814838348, -0.256842316681229, 
0.877869502339381, 3.10956544706826, 0.853244770655281, 1.23337321374495, 
0.0031430232743432, -0.0943336967005583, 0.898833191548979, -0.190366278407953, 
0.997723787687709, -2.39120056095144, 0.0664967330277127, 1.26136016443398, 
1.91637832265846, -0.334802886728505, 0.44207108280265, -1.40664914211265, 
-1.52129894225829, 0.299198686266393, -0.801974492802505, 0.152047924379708, 
0.985850281223592, 2.1303461510993, 1.34397927090998, 1.61550521216825, 
2.70930096486278, 1.24461416484445, 0.508354657516633, 0.148021660957899
), .Tsp = c(1951.25, 1984.75, 4), class = "ts")

I want to use the MSwM package, so I wrote the following code: 我想使用MSwM包,所以我写了以下代码:

library(MSwM) #Load the package  
# Create the model with only an intercept (that after will be switching) 
# Estimate the Markov Switching Model with only an intercept switching, 
# four lags and two regimes as in Hamilton. 
mod.mswm=msmFit(mod,k=2,p=4,sw=c(T,F,F,F,F,F), control=list(parallel=F)) 

I get a result that is very different to obtained in Eviews or RATS: 我得到的结果与Eviews或RATS中的结果非常不同:

Regime 1 
               Estimate Std. Error t value  Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)(S)   0.5747     1.0044  0.5722 0.5671865    
gnp_1            0.3097     0.0903  3.4297 0.0006042 ***
gnp_2            0.1273     0.0900  1.4144 0.1572445    
gnp_3           -0.1213     0.0867 -1.3991 0.1617830    
gnp_4           -0.0892     1.6918 -0.0527 0.9579709    
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 0.98316
Multiple R-squared: 0.1437

Standardized Residuals:
        Min          Q1         Med          Q3         Max 
-1.86974671 -0.37107376  0.03466299  0.39090950  1.67876663 

Regime 2 
               Estimate Std. Error t value  Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)(S)   0.5461     1.0044  0.5437 0.5866479    
gnp_1            0.3097     0.0903  3.4297 0.0006042 ***
gnp_2            0.1273     0.0900  1.4144 0.1572445    
gnp_3           -0.1213     0.0867 -1.3991 0.1617830    
gnp_4           -0.0892     1.6918 -0.0527 0.9579709    
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 0.98316
Multiple R-squared: 0.1431

Standardized Residuals:
        Min          Q1         Med          Q3         Max 
-2.51219057 -0.46185366  0.06749067  0.52368275  2.11071358 

Transition probabilities:
          Regime 1  Regime 2
Regime 1 0.3879799 0.3651762
Regime 2 0.6120201 0.6348238

The main difference is obtained in the intercept, because in both regimes a positive value is obtained instead of values in Eviews or RATS. 主要区别在截距中获得,因为在两种方案中都获得了正值而不是Eviews或RATS中的值。 This difference is due to maximization algortihm used (EM in MsWm)? 这种差异是由于使用的最大化算法(MsWm中的EM)? or I have done some mistake in my R-Code? 或者我在我的R-Code中犯了一些错误?

Thanks a lot. 非常感谢。

The difference that I see is that the model that you are defining contains a switching intercept, while the model of Hamilton (1989) specifies a switching mean instead. 我看到的不同之处在于,您定义的模型包含切换截距,而Hamilton(1989)的模型则指定了切换平均值。 That is, your model is: 也就是说,您的模型是:


and Hamilton's (1989) model is defined as: 和汉密尔顿(1989)的模型定义为:


In an AR model the parameters alpha and mu will take, in general, different values. 在AR模型中,参数alphamu通常将采用不同的值。 This may be somewhat confusing in R as discussed here . 如本文所讨论的, 在R中可能有些混乱。

By taking expectations in your model (and omitting for simplicity the switching term S_t ) we arrive to the following relationship: 通过在模型中考虑期望(并且为了简化而忽略切换项S_t ),我们得出以下关系:


Upon this relationship, we could expect to be able to recover the mean. 在这种关系下,我们可以期望能够恢复平均值。 However, in this case the switching intercepts does not lead to the switching means found in Hamilton (1989). 然而,在这种情况下,切换截距不会导致在Hamilton(1989)中找到的切换装置。

0.5747 / (1 - sum(c(0.3097, 0.1273, -0.1213, -0.0892)))
#[1] 0.7429864
0.5461 / (1 - sum(c(0.3097, 0.1273, -0.1213, -0.0892)))
#[1] 0.7060116

This mapping can usually be applied, for example, with an AR(4) model: 通常可以应用此映射,例如,使用AR(4)模型:

fit <- lm(gnp[5:135] ~ 1 + gnp[4:134] + gnp[3:133] + gnp[2:132] + gnp[1:131])
# Coefficients:
# (Intercept)   gnp[4:134]   gnp[3:133]   gnp[2:132]   gnp[1:131]  
#     0.55679      0.30974      0.12726     -0.12126     -0.08923 
# the mapping from the intercept to mean leads to a value close to the sample mean
coef(fit)[1]/(1 - sum(coef(fit)[-1]))
# 0.7198458 
# 0.7445979
# or close to the mean in an AR(4) model, (labelled as intercept)
arima(gnp, order = c(4,0,0), include.mean = TRUE)
# Coefficients:
#          ar1     ar2      ar3      ar4  intercept
#       0.3188  0.1226  -0.1191  -0.0895     0.7441
# s.e.  0.0860  0.0900   0.0898   0.0872     0.1108

It seems that in this case the model should be defined in terms of the mean in order to get estimates of the switching parameter close to those reported in the reference paper. 似乎在这种情况下,模型应该根据平均值来定义,以便获得接近参考文件中报告的切换参数的估计值。

If the function msmFit allowed as input the result returned by arima , it could be used as follows: 如果函数msmFit允许作为输入由arima返回的结果,则可以按如下方式使用:

fit <- arima(gnp, order = c(4,0,0), include.mean = TRUE)
msmFit(fit, k = 2, p = 0, sw = c(T,F,F,F,F,F))

I don't know a straightforward way to define an AR model with mean using lm , which is the output required to use msmFit . 我不知道使用lm定义AR模型的简单方法,这是使用msmFit所需的输出。

I think that this difference in the parameterization of the model is more likely to explain the difference in the results rather than the use of the EM algorithm. 我认为模型参数化的这种差异更有可能解释结果的差异,而不是使用EM算法。

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