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[英]Missing functionality of Imagej variant Fiji

I am trying to use a variant of ImageJ, Fiji for analysis of some microscopy images. 我正在尝试使用斐济ImageJ的变体来分析某些显微镜图像。 When I try to "Open Next" to get to the net image, nothing happens. 当我尝试“打开下一个”以获取网络图像时,什么也没有发生。

In the standard version of ImageJ this feature works, and raises an error if it fails. 在ImageJ的标准版本中,此功能有效,如果失败,则会引发错误。

It seems like some underlying code is missing. 似乎缺少一些基础代码。 I have been unable to find posts that seem to have the same issue. 我一直无法找到似乎有相同问题的帖子。 Could it be that I am missing some module for this to work? 可能是我缺少一些模块来使它正常工作吗? Could it be somethiing to do with Java? 可能与Java有关吗?

Any help would be much appreciated, thank you. 任何帮助将不胜感激,谢谢。

There seems to be a file type-specific issue with File > Open Next : when handling .czi files (and other files usually opened using Bio-Formats), the ij.io.Opener#getFileType(path) method returns the wrong type and leads to failure of the search for the next file. 似乎>文件>打开下一个文件类型相关的问题:处理.czi文件(以及通常使用Bio-Formats打开的其他文件)时, ij.io.Opener#getFileType(path)方法返回错误的类型,并且导致搜索下一个文件失败。 See this thread on the ImageJ mailing list . 请参阅ImageJ邮件列表上的该线程

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