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[英]Tail Recursion java

I am working on finding the largest prime factor of any given number. 我正在寻找任何给定数字中最大的素数。 The code below works fine for most numbers until I input the number I want which is 600851475143. Once I do this I get stack overflow. 下面的代码适用于大多数数字,直到我输入所需的数字600851475143。执行此操作后,我会得到堆栈溢出。 I have been reading up on tail recursion and from what I know I should have implemented it right. 我一直在阅读尾递归,据我所知,我应该正确地实现它。 Yet, I still receive the stack overflow error despite it. 但是,尽管如此,我仍然收到堆栈溢出错误。 Where am I going wrong when it comes to implementing tail recursion? 实施尾递归时,我哪里出错了?

import java.util.Scanner;
public class LargestPrimeFactor
    static long number;
    static long answer;

    public static void main(String[] args)
        System.out.println( "Enter number to find its largest prime factor");
        Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
        number = input.nextLong();

        answer = largestPrime(number);
        System.out.println("The largest prime of " + number + " is " + answer);

    private static long largestPrime(long n)
        n = n-1;    
        if(n % 2 != 0 & number % n == 0 )
            return n;
            return largestPrime(n);

First, in the if condition you're doing & when you probably meant to do && . 首先,在if条件下,您正在做& ,而您可能打算做&& And second, your implementation is incorrect. 其次,您的实现不正确。 Try to run it on 18 (largest prime is 3) and see that it returns 9 which is obviously not prime. 尝试在18(最大质数为3)上运行它,并查看返回的9显然不是质数。

As for the stackoverflow, since there's no condition that restrict n > 1 in some cases the calculation will continue with -1, -2, -3,... until you'll get stackoverflow... 至于stackoverflow,由于在某些情况下没有限制n > 1条件,计算将继续为-1, -2, -3,...直到得到stackoverflow...。

And last, the JVM does not support tail-recursion optimization, but even if it did - you'll almost always be better with an iterative solution because unlike recursive solutions - it doesn't open a new frame on the stack for every recursive call (because there are no recursive calls - it runs in a loop). 而在去年,该JVM 支持尾递归优化,但即使做了-你几乎永远是更好地与迭代求解,因为不像递归解决方案-它不会打开堆栈上一个新的框架,每递归调用(因为没有递归调用-它在循环中运行)。

Edit 编辑

  • To find the largest prime factor you can start with n/2 and go down (minus one each iteration). 要找到最大的质因数,可以从n/2开始然后向下(每次迭代减一)。
  • The definition of a prime number p is: p > 1 and p can be divided only by itself (and 1 ). 质数p的定义是: p > 1并且p只能除以自身(和1 )。 Use this definition and write an iterative method boolean isPrime(int num) 使用此定义并编写一个迭代方法boolean isPrime(int num)
  • now use the previous two bullet-point and combine them to write a recursive method that finds the largest prime. 现在使用前两个要点,并将它们结合起来以编写找到最大素数的递归方法。 I didn't want to implement it in order not to ruin your fun :) 我不想实现它,以免破坏您的乐趣:)

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