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在 R 的 MICE 中对每个插补数据集执行操作

[英]Perform operation on each imputed dataset in R's MICE

How can I perform an operation (like subsetting or adding a calculated column) on each imputed dataset in an object of class mids from R's package mice ?我怎样才能执行操作(如子集划分或添加计算的列)的类的对象上的每个数据集估算mids来自R的包mice I would like the result to still be a mids object.我希望结果仍然是一个mids对象。

Edit: Example编辑:示例


# create imputed datasets
imput = mice(nhanes)

The imputed datasets are stored as a list of lists估算的数据集存储为列表列表


where there are rows only for the observations with imputation for the given variable.其中只有对给定变量进行插补的观察行。

The original (incomplete) dataset is stored here:原始(不完整)数据集存储在这里:


For example, how would I create a new variable calculated as chl/2 in each of the imputed datasets, yielding a new mids object?例如,我将如何在每个估算数据集中创建一个计算为chl/2的新变量,从而产生一个新的mids对象?

This can be done easily as follows -这可以很容易地完成如下 -

Use complete() to convert a mids object to a long-format data.frame:使用complete()将 mids 对象转换为长格式 data.frame:

 long1 <- complete(midsobj1, action='long', include=TRUE)

Perform whatever manipulations needed:执行任何需要的操作:

 long1$new.var <- long1$chl/2
 long2 <- subset(long1, age >= 5)

use as.mids() to convert back manipulated data to mids object:使用as.mids()将操纵的数据转换回 mids 对象:

 midsobj2 <- as.mids(long2)

Now you can use midsobj2 as required.现在您可以根据需要使用midsobj2 Note that the include=TRUE (used to include the original data with missing values) is needed for as.mids() to compress the long-formatted data properly.请注意, as.mids()需要include=TRUE (用于包含具有缺失值的原始数据as.mids()才能正确压缩长格式数据。 Note that prior to mice v2.25 there was a bug in the as.mids() function (see this post https://stats.stackexchange.com/a/158327/69413 )请注意,在 mouse v2.25 之前, as.mids() 函数中存在一个错误(请参阅此帖子https://stats.stackexchange.com/a/158327/69413

EDIT: According to this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/34859264/4269699 (from what is essentially a duplicate question) you can also edit the mids object directly by accessing $data and $imp.编辑:根据这个答案https://stackoverflow.com/a/34859264/4269699 (从本质上是一个重复的问题),您还可以通过访问 $data 和 $imp 直接编辑 mids 对象。 So for example所以例如

 midsobj2$data$new.var <- midsobj2$data$chl/2
 midsobj2$imp$new.var <- midsobj2$imp$chl/2

You will run into trouble though if you want to subset $imp or if you want to use $call, so I wouldn't recommend this solution in general.但是,如果您想对 $imp 进行子集化或使用 $call,您会遇到麻烦,因此我一般不推荐此解决方案。

Another option is to calculate the variables before the imputation and place restrictions on them.另一种选择是在插补之前计算变量并对它们施加限制。


# Create the additional variable - this will have missing
nhanes$extra <- nhanes$chl / 2

# Change the method of imputation for extra, so that it always equals chl/2
# Change the predictor matrix so only chl predicts extra
ini <- mice(nhanes, max = 0, print = FALSE)

meth <- ini$meth
meth["extra"] <- "~I(chl / 2)"

pred <- ini$pred  # extra isn't used to predict
pred["extra", "chl"] <- 1

# Imputations
imput <- mice(nhanes, seed = 1, pred = pred, meth = meth, print = FALSE)

There are examples in mice: Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations in R .小鼠中有例子:Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations in R

There is an overload of with that can help you here有大量的with可以帮助你

with(imput, chl/2)

the documentation is given at ?with.mids文档位于?with.mids

There's a function for this in the basecamb package: basecamb包中有一个函数:

apply_function_to_imputed_data(mids_object, function)

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