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[英]Numpy matrix multiplication with array of matrices

I have several numpy arrays that I would like to multiply (using dot , so matrix multiplication). 我有几个要乘的numpy数组(使用dot ,所以是矩阵乘法)。 I'd like to put them all into a numpy array, but I can't figure out how to do it. 我想将它们全部放入一个numpy数组中,但是我不知道该怎么做。

Eg 例如

a = np.random.randn((10,2,2))
b = np.random.randn((10,2))

So I have 10 2x2 matrices (a) and 10 2x1 matrices (b). 所以我有10个2x2矩阵(a)和10个2x1矩阵(b)。 What I could do is this: 我能做的是:

c = np.zeros((10,2))
for i in range(10):
  c[i] = np.dot(a[i,:,:],b[i,:])

You get the idea. 你明白了。

But I feel like there's a usage of dot or tensordot or something that would do this in one line really easily. 但是我感觉好像dottensordotdot的用法,或者可以很容易地在一行中做到这一点的东西。 I just can't make sense of the dot and tensordot functions for >2 dimensions like this. 我只是无法理解> 2维这样的dottensordot dot函数。

You could use np.einsum : 您可以使用np.einsum

c = np.einsum('ijk,ik->ij', a, b)

einsum performs a sum of products. einsum执行产品的总和。 Since matrix multiplication is a sum of products, any matrix multiplication can be expressed using einsum . 由于矩阵乘法是乘积之和,因此可以使用einsum表示任何矩阵乘法。 It is based on Einstein summation notation . 它基于爱因斯坦求和符号

The first argument to einsum, ijk,ik->ij is a string of subscripts . einsum的第一个参数ijk,ik->ij是一串下subscripts ijk declares that a has three axes which are denoted by i , j , and k . ijk声明a具有三个轴,分别由ijk

ik , similarly, declares that the axes of b will be denoted i and k . ik类似地声明b的轴将表示为ik

When the subscripts repeat, those axes are locked together for purposes of summation. 下标重复时,出于求和的目的,这些轴被锁定在一起。 The part of the subscript that follows the -> shows the axes which will remain after summation. 下标->显示了求和后将保留的轴。

Since the k appears on the left (of the -> ) but disappears on the right, there is summation over k . 由于k出现在( ->的左侧)但消失在右侧,因此存在k总和。 It means that the sum 这意味着总和

c_ij = sum over k ( a_ijk * b_ik )

should be computed. 应该计算。 Since this sum can be computed for each i and j , the result is an array with subscripts i and j . 由于可以为每个ij计算该和,因此结果是一个带有下标ij的数组。

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