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Kinect V2和Unity3D

[英]Kinect V2 and Unity3D

I want to do , what this guy is doing in this video.. 想做的 ,这家伙在这个视频中正在做什么。

Please see this Video (Interacting a live human with unity interactive cloth) 请观看此视频 (用统一的互动布与真人互动)

My Strategy So Far: 到目前为止,我的策略:

I took a simple 3d plane gameObject in unity, added an interactive cloth component and 2 Box colliders with hand joints of Kinect Skeleton to attach a cloth. 我统一采取了一个简单的3d平面游戏对象 ,添加了一个互动式布料组件2个Box碰撞器 ,并使用Kinect Skeleton的手部关节来固定布料。 Then I added sphere colliders with all 24 joints of Skeleton Stream to make the cloth collided by my body but the results are unsatisfied. 然后,我在Skeleton Stream的所有24个关节中添加了球体碰撞器 ,以使布料被我的身体碰撞,但结果并不令人满意。

Problem: The cloth is behaving very strangely.. It jumps off weirdly whenever it falls on my body(joints). 问题:布的行为非常奇怪。当它落在我的身体(关节)上时,它会怪异地跳下来。 I am stuck here. 我被困在这里。 I just want a sample or a jump start or any help of how to do that. 我只需要一个示例或快速入门或有关此操作的任何帮助。

Please always take into account that the positions of the joints reported by Kinect may jump or jitter. 请始终考虑到Kinect报告的关节位置可能会跳动或抖动。 Render the sphere colliders so you can see their positions and better understand your problem; 渲染球形碰撞器,以便您可以看到它们的位置并更好地了解您的问题; and apply a smoothing algorithm on the joint positions (a common technique is to store the last 30 positions or so, and average them), or simply enable Kinect SDK's skeleton smoothing options. 并在关节位置上应用平滑算法(一种常见的技术是存储最后30个左右的位置,然后对它们进行平均),或者简单地启用Kinect SDK的骨架平滑选项。

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