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[英]LibGDX: Tiled Maps: How to click on an object

I have a tiled map on my libGDX project where I can move it using the keys on my keyboard. 我的libGDX项目上有一个平铺的地图,可以使用键盘上的键移动它。 I have set up boundaries so it doesn't go outside the tiled map. 我已经设置了边界,因此它不会超出平铺地图的范围。 In my tiled map I have three layers a background layer and two other layers for the pictures of my shop. 在我的平铺地图中,我的商店图片有三层,即背景层和另外两层。 I am wonder how I would be able to click on the shops so it brings on a menu. 我不知道我如何能够点击商店,从而带来一个菜单。 The only problem I have is they move! 我唯一的问题是他们搬家! Is there a simple way to do this? 有没有简单的方法可以做到这一点? You may have to dumb it down for me because I am new at coding in java/libGDX! 您可能不得不为我哑巴,因为我是Java / libGDX编程的新手!

Here is my code for detecting the touch currently but I know this will get messed up once I move my camera. 这是我当前用于检测触摸的代码,但是我知道一旦移动相机,这将变得一团糟。

    if (touch.x <= 1300 && touch.x >= 700 && touch.y <= 700 && touch.y >= 0){
            move_camera = false;

Thanks, 谢谢,

Nehemiah 尼希米记

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