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[英]How scipy.stats handles nans?

I am trying to do some statistics in Python. 我试图在Python中做一些统计。 I have data with several missing values, filled with np.nan , and I am not sure should I remove it manually, or scipy can handle it. 我有几个缺少值的数据,填充np.nan ,我不确定我应该手动删除它,或scipy可以处理它。 So I tried both: 所以我尝试了两个:

 import scipy.stats, numpy as np
a = [0.75, np.nan, 0.58337, 0.75, 0.75, 0.91663, 1.0, np.nan, 0.663, 0.837,     0.837, 1.0, 0.663, 1.0, 1.0, 0.91663, 0.75, 0.41669, 0.58337, 0.663, 0.75, 0.58337] 
b = [0.837, np.nan, 0.663, 0.58337, 0.75, 0.75, 0.58337, np.nan, 0.166, 0.5,     0.663, 1.0, 0.91663, 1.0, 0.663, 0.75, 0.75, 0.41669, 0.331, 0.25, 1.0, 0.91663]

d_1, d_2 = a,b
wilc1 =  scipy.stats.wilcoxon(d_1, d_2, zero_method = 'pratt')

d_1, d_2 = [], []
for d1, d2 in zip(a, b):
    if np.isnan(d1) or np.isnan(d2):

wilc2 =  scipy.stats.wilcoxon(d_1, d_2, zero_method = 'pratt')
print wilc1
print wilc2

I get two runtime warnigs: 我得到两个运行时warnigs:

C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\scipy\stats\morestats.py:1963: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in greater
  r_plus = sum((d > 0) * r, axis=0

and two Wilcoxon outputs 和两个Wilcoxon输出

(54.0, 0.018545881687477818)
(54.0, 0.056806600853965265)

As you see, I have two similiar test statisitcs (W), and two different P-values. 如您所见,我有两个类似的测试统计(W)和两个不同的P值。 Which is one is correct? 哪个是正确的?

My guess, that Wilcoxon processes missing values correctly during test statistic calculation, but during P-value calculation, it uses len() of all data, not just valid cases. 我的猜测是,Wilcoxon在测试统计计算过程中正确处理缺失值,但在P值计算期间,它使用所有数据的len(),而不仅仅是有效的情况。 Can this count as bug? 这可算作虫子吗?

You can not mathematically perform a test statistic based on nan. 您无法在数学上执行基于nan的测试统计。 Unless you find proof/documentation of special treatment of nan, you can not rely on that. 除非你找到纳特的特殊处理证明/文件,否则你不能依赖它。

My experience is that in general, even numpy does not treat nan specially, for example for median. 我的经验是,一般来说,即使是numpy也不会特别对待nan,例如中位数。 Instead the results are whatever they happen to be, as a result of the algorithm implementation. 相反,结果是它们碰巧发生的任何结果,这是算法实现的结果。

For example, numpy.median() seems to end up treating nan as inf, placing nan above the median. 例如,numpy.median()似乎最终将nan视为inf,将nan置于中位数之上。 This is likely just a side effect of the results of a<b comparisons always being false for nan. 这可能只是a<b比较结果对于nan总是假的结果的副作用。 A similar effect is probably behind your two identical test statistic values W. 类似的效果可能在您的两个相同的测试统计值W之后。

Also note: There are a few method variants in numpy, such as http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.nanmean.html 另请注意:numpy中有一些方法变体,例如http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.nanmean.html

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