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[英]How can i generate multiple VBO with an ByteBuffer

According to lwjgl javadooc, there is a function : 根据lwjgl javadooc,有一个功能:

public static void glGenBuffers(int n, ByteBuffer buffer)

But i dont exactly understand how this works. 但我不完全明白这是如何工作的。 Do i create an ByteBuffer : 我创建一个ByteBuffer:

ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate("how much???")
glGenBuffers(4, buffer);

And especially do i have to fill the Buffer with glBufferSubData OR is it better to create 4 buffers and bind and fill them? 特别是我必须用glBufferSubData填充缓冲区或者更好地创建4个缓冲区并绑定并填充它们?

My thought was, that it is more efficient when i only create 1 Buffer ,which stores vertices,texturecoords,normals and indices. 我的想法是,当我只创建1个缓冲区时,它会更有效,它可以存储顶点,纹理,法线和索引。

glGenBuffers(int n, ByteBuffer buffer) generates n vertex buffer objects (VBOs), which you can use to store your data, and puts them in the specified buffer. glGenBuffers(int n, ByteBuffer buffer)生成n个顶点缓冲区对象(VBO),您可以使用它们来存储数据,并将它们放在指定的缓冲区中。 This buffer is not actually the one that holds your data , but the ids of the VBOs just generated. 这个缓冲区实际上不是保存数据的缓冲区,而是刚刚生成的VBO的ID You have to manually define the VBO data with glBufferData . 您必须使用glBufferData手动定义VBO数据。

The function is useful if you want to create multiple VBOs with a single call. 如果要通过单个调用创建多个VBO,则此功能非常有用。 Each VBO id is an integer, and the buffer has to be large enough to hold n (in this case 4) buffers. 每个VBO id都是一个整数,缓冲区必须足够大才能容纳n个(在这种情况下为4个)缓冲区。

ByteBuffer buffer = BufferUtils.createByteBuffer(4 * Integer.BYTES);
glGenBuffers(4, buffer);

However, to make things easier, you can also use an IntBuffer . 但是,为了IntBuffer ,您还可以使用IntBuffer

IntBuffer buffer = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(4);
glGenBuffers(4, buffer);

You can then attach the data to each of the VBOs. 然后,您可以将数据附加到每个VBO。

glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer.get(2); /*value from 0 to 3*/

(If you are using a ByteBuffer , you have to call buffer.getInt(2) instead.) (如果您使用的是ByteBuffer ,则必须调用buffer.getInt(2) 。)

It is generally more efficient to have all data in a single buffer 将所有数据放在单个缓冲区中通常更有效 , but note that in this case you have to use at least two because indices have to be in a GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER ,但请注意,在这种情况下,您必须使用至少两个因为索引必须在GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER . However, the performance difference is very small, so it may be easier to use several different VBOs. 但是,性能差异非常小,因此使用几种不同的VBO可能更容易。

It is preferred to tightly pack all the data in a buffer and upload that with glBufferData instead of calling glBufferSubData for each type of data. 最好将所有数据紧密打包在缓冲区中,并使用glBufferData上传,而不是为每种类型的数据调用glBufferSubData Your data layout will then look something like this (P = position, T = texture coordinate, N = normal vector): 您的数据布局将看起来像这样(P =位置,T =纹理坐标,N =法向量):


Now you can setup the vertex attribute pointers to correctly read the values from this buffer. 现在,您可以设置顶点属性指针以正确读取此缓冲区中的值。

int vbo = glGenBuffers();
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo);
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, tightlyPackedData, GL_STATIC_DRAW);

int stride = (3 + 2 + 3) * Float.BYTES;

glVertexAttribPointer(positionIndex, 3, GL_FLOAT, false, stride, 0);
glVertexAttribPointer(texCoordIndex, 2, GL_FLOAT, false, stride, 3 * Float.BYTES);
glVertexAttribPointer(normalIndex,   3, GL_FLOAT, false, stride, (3 + 2) * Float.BYTES);

positionIndex , texCoordIndex and normalIndex are the attribute locations of your vertex shader attributes. positionIndextexCoordIndexnormalIndex是顶点着色器属性的属性位置。 You can get them with glGetAttribLocation . 你可以使用glGetAttribLocation获取它们。

stride is the number of bytes between the value of one vertex and the value of the next one. stride是一个顶点的值与下一个顶点的值之间的字节数。 We have 3 positions, 2 texture coordinates and 3 normals, which are all floats, so we multiply them with Float.BYTES . 我们有3个位置,2个纹理坐标和3个法线,它们都是浮点数,所以我们将它们与Float.BYTES相乘。

The last parameter to glVertexAttribPointer is the offset in bytes, ie the number of bytes from the start of the buffer to where the first value is located. glVertexAttribPointer的最后一个参数是以字节为单位的偏移量,即从缓冲区起始处到第一个值所在位置的字节数。

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