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[英]Working withmultiprocessing and h5py

I get an error when trying to run a command with joblib/multiprocessing in parallel: 尝试使用joblib / multiprocessing并行运行命令时出错:

Here the traceback: 追溯:

Process PoolWorker-263:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/marcel/anaconda/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/process.py", line 258, in _bootstrap
          File "/home/marcel/anaconda/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/process.py", line 114, in run
            self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
          File "/home/marcel/anaconda/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/pool.py", line 102, in worker
            task = get()
          File "/home/marcel/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/joblib/pool.py", line 363, in get
          File "_objects.pyx", line 240, in h5py._objects.ObjectID.__cinit__ (h5py/_objects.c:2994)
        TypeError: __cinit__() takes exactly 1 positional argument (0 given)

As you can see from the error message I work with data loaded using h5py. 正如您从错误消息中看到的,我使用h5py加载的数据。 To complicate things further the routine I want to parallelize uses numba in one of its subroutines, but I hope that does not matter. 为了使事情复杂化,我想要并行化的例程在其子程序之一中使用numba,但我希望这无关紧要。

Here is a running example, which you can copy and paste: 这是一个运行示例,您可以复制和粘贴:

from joblib import Parallel,delayed
import numpy as np
import h5py as h5
import os

def testfunc(h5data, row):
    # some very boneheaded CPU work
    data_slice = h5data[:,row,...]
    ma = np.mean(data_slice, axis = 1)
    x = row
    return ma, x

def run():
    data = np.random.random((100,100,100)) 
    print data
    f_out = h5.File('tmp.h5', 'w')
    dset = f_out.create_dataset('mydata', data = data )
    f_in = h5.File('tmp.h5', 'r')
    h5data = f_in['mydata']
    pool = Parallel(n_jobs=-1,verbose=1,pre_dispatch='all')
    results = pool(delayed(testfunc)(h5data, i) for i in range(h5data.shape[1]))

if __name__ == '__main__':

Any ideas, what I'm doing wrong? 任何想法,我做错了什么?

Edit: Okay at least I can exclude numba from the list of evildoers... 编辑:好吧,至少我可以从恶人列表中排除numba ......

1You can try to replace ˋjoblib with [pathos][1] which replaces pickle with dill`. 1你可以尝试with [pathos][1] which replaces pathos with [pathos][1] which replaces joblib with [pathos][1] which replaces with莳萝with [pathos][1] which replaces pickle。 This solves generally all pickling issues. 这通常解决了所有酸洗问题。

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